Waiting's Wonderland

Hi!! Welcome to my little Land of Wonder!!

Thank you for stopping by. Please have a look around and Please be so kind as to sign the Guestbook on your way out. Thanks! I am constantly making changes to my homepage. I never seem to be happy with it and become very bored with it. I hope the changes are good ones. *S* If you have any comments, be they good or bad (hoping they are not bad) just drop me an Email...or leave a message in the Guestbook.

Well, let me tell you a little about myself. . .

I have been on the Internet since July of 1996 (Boy, doesn't seem that long *S*) and loving every minute of it. I have met so many nice and interesting people whom I will always remember. *S* I have even had the opportunity to meet about 25 of my friends.

I am 42 years old and live in Richmond, Virginia. We have been living here since August of 1998. So far, so good.

I am married and have two children. My daughters, Jen (16) and Amy (14) are two wonderful girls. They have their own homepages, compliments of Mom. *patting myself on the back* The girls are really into soccer...you will have to check out their webpages...I am currently working on them...so, they are not in tip top shape yet.

I like to write poetry (two of my poems are on my Poetry Page) and greeting cards, work on the computer (chatting), read novels and listen to music.

Click for Midlothian, Virginia Forecast

This poem really seems to sum up life!

Today someone asked
If I would like to be able to go back
And change all the things that had gone wrong
In my Life
And although at first
The idea seemed rather appealing
I quickly realized
That the good and the bad are so intertwined
That I couldn't change part
Without changing the whole.

written by Javan

Click here

Email: waiting4@hotmail.com

Page last updated October 5th, 2005.

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