This page is devoted to the life and art of George
Gordon Byron, sixth Baron (1788-1824). The motto of
Byrons was "Crede Byron" - "Believe in Byron", and
is had become Europe's motto for almost a century.
I can never get people to understand that poetry is the expression of
excited passion, and that there is no such thing as a life of passion any more
than a continuous earthquake, or an eternal fever.
(From letter to Moore, July 5, 1821)
April, 6, 1997. So, here it comes... The greater part of work is finished, but several pages
are still under construction. Few titles in the "Selected poetry", nothing in "Illustrative materials"... But we do not
stop the work and soon You will enjoy absolutely functional Byron's site. We will appreciate any help, especialy
with digitized poems and picures. -- Lev Platonov.
February, 3, 1998.
This site will be renewed in the nearest time. We promise! Thank You for support! Crede Byron!. -- Platonov brothers.
December, 17, 1999. We have got domain! Check after January, 1, 2000! Lev Platonov.

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Lev Platonov.
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