Greetings and salutations...
Welcome to Pixie's Place

Hi there! I am the Pixie, and this is my cosy little corner of the WWW...
It would appear that things here are starting to move along, and due to my work on several other pages for other people I'm getting the hang of this HTML stuff. I've now finished my university study, am working full-time and have recently gotten engaged so I am one of thousands of people with no time to spare or any semblance of a life! But if you want to know anything more you'll need to go to my page about me or you could go to one of the others I have created such as, my puppy page which is devoted to my puppy Oskar, or my friends page.
I've even made the recent addition of a Useless Page! And hopefully soon I will also have a dragon inspired page up and running as well as some other gourmet inspired snippets...

After a lengthy absence I have managed to make a few visits here to try and tidy things up, so hopefully things will start to get sorted around here! But this doesn't mean you will be blinded by brilliance just yet - for that you will have to be patient... :o)

While you are visiting the wonderful realms of the Pixie, why don't you check out some of the links I have here and before you go, make sure you sign the guestbook... :o)

Links to some web sites I can remember off the top of my head!!

Dane's Place...That's My Boy's Page!
Schnapps' page...My little sister!
One of my favourite radio stations ever...
My Uni! Newcastle Uni - Central Coast Campus
And Central Coast Campus' Big Brother, The University of Newcastle
My old Uni....ADFA.
The Tucows Homepage for heaps of free software downloads...
Send Virtual Flowers to that special someone.

Well, that's all I have for now, but you can be assured that I'll be back with more for you shortly.

My last visit to this page was on 07/01/2004 at 2100hrs

I can be emailled at;

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