A Little Bit About Myself
I'm 43, have 3 wonderful children, and am currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Alternative Futures sub field in Political Science. I spend so much of my life almost in tears, seeing the dignity and courage in the lives of the people around me. I once read a rather famous quote that goes something like
Most people live lives of quiet desperation.
I couldn't disagree with that saying more. Whenever I've had the privilege to get to know someone, I've heard stories of selfless sacrifice, unacknowledged heroism and incredible love. Perhaps I'm meeting the right people. Perhaps I've just been unbelievably lucky. I don't think so. I believe, if we learn to listen to one another, we'll discover real beauty and love in our own backyards.
I guess what you see depends on where you look??!!

I love laughter and good times, listening to the wind rustle the leaves as I find a moment or two of quiet. I love to sit, at the end of the day, and watch as the day surrenders to the night in the incredible glow of the setting sun, to think of the events of the day, and thank God for the gift that it was. And then to lay in the arms of my lover and sleep peacefully into tomorrow's gift. In many ways, I feel very blessed, I've got wonderful friends, an incredible sweetheart, an active imagination and a very loving family. Who could ask for more?
By the way, this page is still under construction, and I'm finally figuring out what to do here. Fortunately, I have great friends who helped me out from time to time, and still do! So this page has come a long way, much further than I thought it would! I've had a lot of fun figuring out how to post my poems and the story, I hope you have fun reading them! I tried to sort the poems into some kind of logical (HAH!!!) categories, and I make NO promises that the categories will make sense to anyone else! *huge grin* Oh, well, just wanted anyone who stops by to know, I'm still working on it! (From what I understand, this may be a lifetime task!!!) Thanks for your patience and understanding!
And I'd like to say a special thank you to my son, Justin, who has helped me tirelessly on putting this page together. Justin, I couldn't have done this without you!!!! You were there at the very frustrating beginning of this page, learning what I needed to know, and sharing that with me. You're a wonderful son, and I'm very, very proud of you!
This page would not be complete without thanking Lonnie, my husband, partner and confidant.

Some of us are fortunate to find someone in life who loves us purely and simply, with nothing wanted in return. I was lucky enough to meet my lover on New Years Eve of 1996. By early June, I had left Hawaii to live with Lonnie. And on September 1st, 1997, we exchanged our vows. I can't remember a time when I've felt so loved, seen so much said in the gentle gaze in which he enveleoped my spirit.
Lonnie, without your support, not only wouldn't this page be here, my whole life would be very different. Your quiet strength, your loving smiles when you read my words, give me the confidence to dare and soar on new wings. I never thought I'd say this to anyone, but I just can't imagine what life would be like without you. I don't even want to try! I love you, I always will.

Poem of the Week
Sometimes there's pain and sorrow in our lives. Anyone who spends any time looking over my poetry knows I draw a certain inspiration from that well. Not all of the words come from there, I'm learning to trust the well of love and hope that has opened up before me also. For me, letting the sorrow have it's say is a powerful way to open mySelf up to those I love. I hope, somehow, this touches you as it did me.
Sweat, tears and grime covered her face
fingers digging into the sides of the mountain.
Toes pushing hard into the rock wall,
every muscle straining to hold tight.
For a moment, the thought of letting go
overwhelmed her.
Falling back, the rush of cool air
against outstretched arms
refreshing, soothing.
She could almost hear the whistle of the air
rushing by.
Didn't mind the thought of the crash
that would come.
Peace would follow that deadly collision.
Far below, voices seemed to call to her,
'Let go, give up the struggle'
Blessed sleep.
For a moment, at least
if she did it right,
she'd be done with this damned rock
Done with the torment.
Sweat oozed along her shoulders
gathered together, she felt it join.
One drop snaking down her spine.
Twisting and sliding over bone and muscle,
seeking the same gravity that offered her freedom.
Finding it easier than she did.
Crying out in rage and sorrow,
swinging her hammer once more
into the mighty rock.
One more fingerhold secured.
God, how she hated this mountain.
November 27th, 1997

Click here for some great places on the net!
Justin's Page, one of the neatest 13 year olds around!
Lonster's (A.K.A.... my sweetie!) Page!
Chathouse, one of the best places to find new friends!
ICQ.... I don't know WHAT I'd do without my ICQ!
Douglass College, my alma matter and a wonderful place to discover the best in you!

Poetry and Other Literature
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