Here is your tour through my

"Cliffs of Insanity"

This is my new Guestbook. The one I had was eaten by space aliens...again. I've tried about 5 guestbooks now...hopefully the 6th will be my lucky number.

You can view my guestbook if you like....


I have my Junior Year art work on here right now. I still need to put my Senior work on here. Go ahead and take a look, though. Art is my pride and joy. There are also other interesting art related things on this page.

This is my favorite part of my webpage. There are a few interesting things on it. Take another gander here.

This is my brother's webpage...I really like the front page on it. He used some fancy program to make it. I haven't a clue what it is, though.


These are some interesting links, awards I've won and web rings that I belong to. Sift through them if you get a chance.

I collect porcelain dolls and Barbie collector dolls. I'm trying to get them all on here. I also collect baseball cards, but it would be a little unreasonable to put them on here.

This is a short page all about me. Take a gander if you have free time...

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Katy Patrick 
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Guestbook by GuestWorld
last updated 04/06/99 GeoCities