The Dew Drop Inn A Poetic Page

ddi_bar.gif The Dew Drop Inn The Dew Drop Inn's A Little Bit of Tori Blood Roses - My Girls have new Dresses The Dew Drop Inn's Notice Board The Dew Drop Inn's EZ Feedback Form Contact BloodRose!

March 6th, 1999... I know.. I know... It takes me too long to update this page, but hey, I'm updating it (*cough*)... I know it stinks that I don't really do anything, and I rarely even write anymore, because of my stinkin' army job. I'm couting backwards, ONE month left to go people!! Anyway, I just thought that I'd let you know that the link page of Tori's is going to go through some MASSIVE constructions, so if it'll be off for a while, or it will look even worse than it already does, give it some time. As you can see (maybe), I'm also working on improving the graphics on what's here as it is. Aside from that, I'm thinking about revealing to you some of my friends, but I'll have to have their permission.
Here you can see an updated photo of the most bitchin' bitch on earth.
(And I'm really sorry for being a bitch...)

July 24th, 1998... The Dew Drop Inn has won the Links2Go Award. Do check it out on the DDI Notice Board.

March 26th, 1998... Hello there, sweet Dew Drop Inn visitors!
I would like to thank all you people out there who were very sweet to be concerned whehter I was alive or not, since I didn't update my page in ages. I have recieved a bunch of email msgs from people who wondered whatever I was up to. It's just that I have a new job I'm ripping my butt at, and there's this deep freeze I'm under because I'm suffering of severe *CREATIVE* constipation.

Anyway, I've been thinking of opening the Dew Drop Inn to all of you people who are interested in sharing all you have with others. So always feel free to email anything you have in your heart.
P.S. - I promise that I'll post up some new stuff on the Dew Drop Inn soon... .

About the Dew Drop Inn
Welcome to my humble page.. This is a thing I'm experiencing for the first time, so pardon the blabbing that may follow...

The Dew Drop Inn started out as the place where I was supposed to have a page for a Tori Amos Fan Club I started, but it found its way to down underground before I had a chance to sail off the first issue of the club's zine - which was already in print.

It has now become the place where I placed my memoirs and feelings. You can read more about all these things I have inside in this page.

This thing I'm trying to pull off here, has taken me ages to come up with.. ;p I know it's not big thing to look into. I've just thought I should place some of my thoughts here about various things, and add up yours just the same - if you were interested (and kind enough to let me know about them.. ;p).

Enjoy your stay at the Dew Drop Inn.

NOTE - the DDI is best viewed with your browser at about 85%-90% size of the screen.

Important messages
* It is possible that there has been some misunderstanding about some of the contents of the Dew Drop Inn. Please read this following message.

* There is still that little annoying problem with the fonts of the page. If this is your first time here, and you're not aware to the Dew Drop Inn's Fonts Issue, Download this file (, and read more about it.

Thank you.

A Little Bit of Tori
It is beyond my powers to set up a Tori page.. So this really isn't a Tori Theme page, but more of a Tori Reference. What you could mostly find in there are interpertations to Tori songs, and (of course..) there are hte little surprises. *twinkle*

I'll be happy if you shared your thoughts with me. If you have smoething to add, or something you don't fulley agree with - please mail me.

Blood Roses
My Girls have new dresses... That's kinda true.. Most of them have been around for a while, but never have I let the world peek into my folder.. What I usually say about these girls, is that the best way to know how I was feeling at a cretain time was to check one my latest. Each has a story - some are good, some sizzely, some jaded and some boring - but I believe they could mean different things to different people. If you wish to know what they mean to me - mail me.

The DDI's Notice Board
..And there's the Notice Board which I try to keep up to date. On that board there are all sorts of news about all sorts of things I care about or just happened to run into. There are also notices for you to check out about the page.

It's also open for all you people to bullet things up on my board. Feel Free!!

The DDI's Special
This is actually new. I haven't thought about how often I'll change these Dew Drop Inn Specials, but for the time being, you have this cute, silly little project I've worked on with a friend back in 1995, so do take that in consideration while you're browsing through it.. *twinkle*

627 Things that Make Life More Interesting

The DDI's EZ Feedback Form
Okay....okay.. I lied. It's not THAT Easy. It's actually kind of naggy, but that's the only way I could know more of how you get around and what you think about the Dew Drop Inn.

I wouldn't have done it like this unless I *REALLY* needed your opinion.. Please give me 2 minutes of your time..

Thanks a whole lot.

Constant Constructions
Ever since I remeber the Dew Drop Inn it has been under constructions (That's one of the reasons your opinions mean so much to me). So if things aren't working right, or look stupid, or anything, please let me know about it (Through the form or email) and I'll take care of it ASAP.

Contact BloodRose
For those of you who wants to know a little more about who I am, and those who want to read a bit of what made me be me (highlights only..), and (of course) to those of you who want to know what I look like. So there. :-)
I'm also available sometimes on DALnet servers nicknames BloodRose or BloodRose_. But if you want to hear about it from the sourse, personally and all, or you want to suggest anything, share, criticize or whatever, do mail. (I promise I'll answer. *twinkle*)

Do Drop In at the Dew Drop Inn

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added July 25th 1998

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Tori Amos

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