Join the Site Hounds Webring!

A web ring is a collection of sites which have similar content or related interests. A web ring makes it easier, for interested surfers to find related sites. It also means more traffic to your site and at the same time increases public awareness of your page topics, in our case Sighthounds.


If you wish to join the Site Hounds Webring your site must contain information about Sighthounds. This might include Kennel information, breed standards and pedigrees, new litters, "this is my pet" pages, lure coursing, confirmation and obedience, as well as history etc.

Breeds eligible for inclusion in the ring are Afghan, Borzoi, Saluki, Greyhound, Basenji, Ibizan, Pharaoh, Irish Wolfhound, Scottish Deerhound, Whippet, Sloughi, Azawakh, and all others considered sighthounds and recognized by any registering body or country of origin as such. Groups and organizations of Sighthounds are heartily welcomed as well. Your site will not be accepted if you sell general pet products or have general pet information not specifically pertaining to sighthounds.

Want to take a look at those already in the ring? Check out a Random Site or view the whole List of sites. Most of all - have fun!


Ringmaster Gopher

QUARTERLY SUPER SITEHOUND SITE: Classy Canine - The Finest Dog Wear

How to Join the Site Hounds Webring


Step 1: Click on the Join Now link in the navigation bar below.

Step 2: You will be prompted to sign up for a Yahoo ID and then on to entering the ring.

Step 3: The ringmaster will be notified of your entry and will look to ensure that your site meets the criteria above. If your site is approved you will receive an email with the navigation bar code. This navigation bar code needs to be copied and placed on your site. If your site does not contain this navigation bar your site will promptly be removed from the ring.

Other Important Info:
Webring has recently merged with Yahoo prompting a myriad of changes to the ring. The information above already reflects these changes. If you were a member prior to August 2000 you may continue to use the old html fragment but it is recommended that you upgrade to the new code. This may be accomplished by visiting the webring hub (see "Ring Hub" link below in the navigation bar) and in the upper right corner you will see a "sign in" link.  Click here and either sign up as a new user or use your existing Yahoo id to associate your ring entry. Questions? Email Ringmaster Gopher

Note: For members using the old html frafment You must now register with Yahoo!Webring and place the new navigation bar on your site. The old navigation system will no longer work properly and will not register as being in place. In other words your link will show up as broken without the new nav bar.

  Faridaat Salukis or
The Saluki History & Origins
This many hound enthusiasts have coursed
through the "Site" Hounds WebRing homepage!

The content of these pages is © GWD: New Media