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World of Innocence
Welcome everyone, I hope that you enjoy your stay!   Please come back as often as possible, more and more will be added to this page daily!   This page is for any and everyone that is innocent at heart... I ask you to please sign the guest book at the bottom of the page!  I am thinking of starting a web ring, if any of you think it would be a good idea and would like to be a part of it please tell me in your guest book message or send me an e-mail message...Thank you!
In each of these, we find the strength, knowledge, and togetherness that makes us
continue on and on each and everyday. when people join together nothing is
insurmountable, and everything is clear and bright as if the earth was new again, for in our
eyes, hearts, minds, and souls love and life rages on and on for eternity and never ends!  
Welcome all those who ever feel lonely, depressed, unloved, and un-wanted! At one point in time all of us have felt these feelings, if not we could not call ourselves human!   The definition of human in the dictionary is:  of, relating to, being, or characteristic of man.. Humane means:  marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for others. From those two definitions I ask myself how many of us actually act like humans? Judging from those definitions not very many!  I realize that I too act inhumane sometimes as do all of us, but it does not escape the fact that if we wish to be treated equally, we must treat everyone equally as well. I am part of GenerationX, aka the so called doomed generation.... I say forget that we are only doomed if we allow ourselves to become doomed!  
The first thing we must do to prove we are not doomed is come together finally not as blacks and whites, or Catholics and Christians, but as people, humans!!!  For far too long now, the race wars have dominated us, we must say no more, break this damn vicious circle now! It is our duty as humans and as the future of this world, to make this world a cleaner and better place to live in!  We must act now, or everything is lost!


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