No, actually, I'm not kidding. This is the start of the prayer partners page. If you need someone to
pray for you, loved one, or other cause that is important to you, just let us know. Email me with the subject "prayer" at and your prayer need will be posted on a page where all those who wish to be a prayer partner can see. If you wish to hide your identity, we can do that too. Just specify that. When you email your prayer to me, try to put it exactly how you want it to be read. Thanks to you, the Net Prayer Partners have gotten off to a good start. All submissions will be carefully looked at and prayed for, (by me if no one else) and hopefully you will recieve a reply. If you wish to become a prayer partner, I would like to know that you are interrested. If you wish to be a prayer partner and do not want to let me know, that is completely up to you. If however, I feel there is not enough interrest in this project, it will be removed, as much as I would hate to do that. Thank you for your time and let me know what you think. -Jade- Credit for this page goes to Geocities. Please check into getting your own homepage! |
Disclaimer: Jade, Geocities, and Yahoo! are not personally responsible for minor subdivisions other than That which belongs to Jade. Any complaints that you have must me taken to the owner of that subdivision. It is not guaranteed that all prayerpartners pages of this string will be identical. Also, The name "Prayerpartners" was in no way taken from any one specific place. As a six year old, Jade came up with an abstract thought/dream of Partners in Prayer. Which later, she reffered to as "Prayerpartners." This is why she has chosen the name "Prayerpartners On (or over) The Net." At the time this organization started, she knew no other term. This is a growing dream. Pray it grows well. |