Ylgvicq's Home Page
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First things first:
I never thought of making a homepage myself... really.. But when I saw that so many people
did make one, I said to myself :
Well,... there are one or two things actually....
I don't have a company or belong to one, but if I did, it would be called:
Ylgvicq Briseos can be reached at: If you want you can allways
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at my page ! Thank you for visiting.
" Why not use this new form of communication ?
Because any new technology is basically good technology when
everybody is able to use it freely and not necessarily gain power or wealth through it" ... Anyway I am mostly doing this for my online friends and my wife Anupa
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Artwork © Ylgvicq
Backgrounds from the Autodesk® Texture Universe, edited with Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro
This page was created with the Hot Dog Pro Web Page Editor
I used the Junior Icon, because it's more fun!
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