Welcome to Australia's site dedicated to Big
Beautiful Women & Size & Self Acceptance.
This site is a resource for people of size in Australia and New Zealand and
those that like them. I don't advocate being fat as a way of life, but I
don't support fad diets that make us unhealthy and usually bigger than what you
started out. I am big and that is me, I am accepting of the fact that I always
will be big, but through a healthy lifestyle, I hope to reduce my size. People
of any size can be beautiful and should be accepted in society no matter how
big they are. Finding other BBW sites and finding out the FACTS on issues
relating to people of size, I realised I could live a happy and healthy life even in a larger body.
I hope the stories, links and other information help some of
my visitors look into themselves and start on the road to self
Please use the links at the bottom of each page to navigate this site.
Hey Girls, do you like Indian/Gothy clothing?
In my search for good plus size clothing at a reasonable price I came across one lady who sells NEW Indain style clothing through Ebay. You will be purchasing internationally, but shipping doesn't cost much, and I have purchased clothing from approximately half the price of what I can purchase similar and some not even "as good" products here in Australia, even with our exchange rate. Fill your wardrobe from next to nicks. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE SAVE SAVE. Holy Clothing Company offers plus sizes to 5x and makes shopping easier with giving actual garment measurements. |
Cossies'R'Us have just updated their website with more fantastic products added to their range of already beautiful swimwear for plus size ladies.

Big Girls Don't Cry have also set up their new website with a lot more styles for the larger lady.
Good Prices, Good Products, Good Service

This site has been accessed
times since adding this counter.

As Seen On Australia's Today Tonight,
as well as in That's Life Magazine, Australia's Cosmopolitan Magazine and several radio shows.
Message Board & Personals / Chat Room / Photo Albums / Guestbook / Big Issues with Wendy Pryor / Books / Stories from vistors / Poetry / Fat Facts / Exercise Equipment & Miracle Cures / Size Discrimination Petition Form / Letters & Info on Discrimination / Australian & NZ Plus Size Stores / Australian & International Links / More About Me / My Art Site