Nick Pastinica

2004, MBA - Simon School of Business Administration, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, Concentrations: Marketing, Finance. GPA: 3.87/4.0; Dean's List.

2000, MS in Computer and Information Science - Syracuse University, Syracuse NY. GPA: 3.91/4.0. Dean's List.

1997, BA in Philosophy - University of Bucharest, Romania, . GPA: 3.93/4.0

Awards: Eastern European Scholar, Merton College, Oxford University, UK (1994); TEMPUS Scholar, Paris Nanterre IX University, Paris, France (1997)


Harris Corp. RF Communications, Rochester, NY, Program Manager.      Dec 2002 - Sept 2004
- Successfully managed concurrent full project life cycles for several complex multi-million, multi-year contracts with European customers.
  o Simultaneously managed fulfillment of orders in excess of $15 million/year for various European customers.
  o Tasks included budgeting, managing production schedule and subcontracts, fulfilling offset obligations, coordinating systems engineering and software development efforts, planning and executing customer witnessed factory/site acceptance tests, training and timely delivery.
- Proposal manager for multi-million international bids
  o Led multidisciplinary teams of sales managers, bid financial analysts and system analysts putting together complex networking solutions.
  o Coordinated in country demos and field trials.
  o Successfully defended bidding decision to senior management.
  o Negotiated contracts as part of a negotiation team.
- Undertook and led several initiatives resulting in the improvement of internal business processes
  o Welcome brochure for in plant international visitors.
  o Improved indexing and quoting for product spares.

Harris Corporation, Rochester, NY, Software Engineer. Dec 2000 - Dec 2002
- Developed several Windows based applications, working in a small group of engineers.
- Involved in requirements qualification, code designing (VC++), implementation and testing.
- Led a team of 6 engineers through the requirements phase of a $3M development program for a new control system.

Soros Foundation Romania, Bucharest, Romania, Project Manager      Sept 1995 - Oct 1996
- Co-managed two major projects of the Foundation - Higher Education and Library.
- Managed all aspects of grant allocation - including the application process, archiving and presenting applications to the project’s board.

· Permanent US Resident. Fluent in French and Romanian.
· Proficient with MS Office suite, MS Project, Visio, Rational Rose, Siebel, Adobe Acrobat.
· Familiar with RF theory (HF, LOS, microwave), wireless industry.
· Familiar with CMM, ISO 9001:2000.
· Familiar with the FMS (Foreign Military Sales) mechanism and DOS export regulations.
· Training: Shipley's Writing Winning Proposals, Communicating Effectively in the Workplace.
· Interests: Hiking, mountain biking, basketball, squash, tennis.
Simon School of Business
Syracuse University
Bucharest University
Merton College, Oxford
My Info:
Name: Nicolae (Nick) Pastinica