Catherine of Sienna
I believe in Love.
Jesus is what love lived looks like!
Come in, sit down, and rest a spell.
The hustle and bustle of life can wear us down.
Take time to smell the flowers, breathe deeply, kiss a child, say a prayer.

This beautiful photo of Hale-Bopp was taken looking across Wonder Lake at Mt. McKinley in the Denali National Park. It won first place in a national contest.

Here is another beautiful picture of Fernwood Park on Whidbey Island:

This photo has won no awards - but it does have a warm, welcoming, "let's come in out of the rain" feeling!!

When you've rested for a while, come shop with me! eBay is so much fun and if you like dolls, antiques and collectibles you may find something you like in my auction list! My items on eBay

Here's a link to my faith community. Come and visit us when you're in the Northwest!