Promoting the Sense of Community in the Yahoo! Geocities Paris Neighborhood 

Are you a proud Paris homesteader? Are you loyal to Paris Community? Do you think you have what it takes to become a Paris Citizen! 

GeoParis Citizenship 

To be eligible for GeoParis Citizenship, your page must fit the Geocities guidelines, Paris theme and must have been in the hood for over 3 months. Fill out the provided form to apply for citizenship. 

Citizens Directory 

A Directory of those who has gone from homesteader to GeoParis Citizen status. 

Community Leaders 

If you need GeoCities help or want to get more involved in your Paris neighborhood, then visit our Community Leaders page. They are all volunteer people, so be nice to them:) 

Do you want to become a Paris Community Leader? Apply here

01.06.2000 - Looking for an award for your site?  Paris Awards has 
links to the Paris Community Leader sponsored awards and pages set up for posting private awards pages given by individuals. 

NOTE: Paris SSM is being replaced by Les Grands Plus and the link to the new site is included in the Paris Awards. 

01.05.2000 - We have re-designed the GeoParis Citizens homepage.  We have also added some features that might be of interest to Paris steaders. 

We are now accepting literary works for our Literati Corner.  Send your submissions/contributions to or 


Cool homepages in Paris to be spotlighted in our GeoParis Citizen's Monthly Sightings. 

Literati Corner 

Poetry and other creative writings submitted by GeoParis Citizens. 

GeoParis Special Events 

We would like to invite you to enter and participate in our latest events and contests. Please feel free to check our Special Events site

Please visit also our Contest Page maintained by CL Sunnyball. 

Visit these Y!G Paris Sponsored Sites 

Le Central
Petit Palais
Paris Pavillion
Les Anges

Should you have any comments and / or suggestions please post them on our guestbook

© 1999-2000 GeoParis Citizens . All Rights Reserved.