Hi Mom! this is a drawing of me in my van at the camping trip where "Ham" and "Hamster" got together. No one had a camera, so I had to draw what happened. Stuck in the woods for 2 1/2 hours. I miss my van all of a sudden. I'm gonna try to get it back.
                                       Can u find all of these People?
1. Me    2. Nick   3. Mike and Teri
4. Dana and Lew  5. Randy scott   6. katie owen
7. mark and Susan  8. Nicholas  9. Dave garnier
10. Timmy  11. Teddy  12. Becca and kids  13. Beez
14. Mr.P  15. Barry  16. Dennis O  17. Phil Vigil  18. Tony and Barbara

Have a nice Day and cleek the "LINK" below