Poems and Songs
by Beth Stevens

a branch bends with the snow
making small sounds no one hears:

light each crystalline flake
of Winter's tears,
heavy the whole

so I bend to your love
a brittle soul ~
so I break

© 1977 by Beth Stevens

My site showcases poetry from two early books: Silver Coin ©1977 and Dreambird ©1990, along with more recent poems.

Should your taste run to fantasy, you'll also find lyric verse (both serious and funny) here at Shadowlove. My songs celebrate strong women, chivalrous cats, cold-hearted elves and sly dragons. Many are based on the books I love, from Roger Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber to R.A. MacAvoy's Tea With the Black Dragon. Some of these lyrics were first published in my Unicorn Country songbook and on a cassette tape I made called Lady of Lies.

Recently I've added a new fiction section featuring sci-fi and fantasy short stories. There will be more to come, including a novella about psychic horse racing.

Finally, since I'm a big Highlander fan, you'll see here photo galleries for Highlander: The Raven. Images used on this site are courtesy of Lady Oh's Graphics and Draac, among others.


Beth Stevens (aka Ladylurks)

If you have comments or questions about my site,
please e-mail me.


Song Lyrics


Raven Photo Gallery

Art Gallery


Aunt Hattie's Tramp

Strathdee Music

King Log:
A Journal of Poetry