Hi, My name is Andrea, I am 31 years old, (female) I was born in Brazil and lived there for 18 years and currently I am living in the United Kingdom.

I consider myself to be very easy going person, I love poetry, music, meeting people, going for walks, rollerblading, swimming and my new found pastime is to go to the gym.

I try do to my best and be in tune with nature, when younger camping was my favourite holiday time activity, even though I haven't done it in many years. I still hold a soft spot for it in my heart. My dream is to have a golden retriever and her name will be Twinkle, just like the dog I looked after when I worked as an au pair. What animal would you be if you could be anything in the whole wide world? ... Give it a good think about because you might be that animal in your next life time. I myself would like to be a Panda, I think they are absolutely wonderful and gentle, I still regret not being able to have one as a pet. However my mother got a goat adopted for her as a Christmas present last year, so I have a brother that is a goat and his name is Walter. Baaaa baaaaa!

Reading and writing have been a passion since I was about eight years old. My mother made me read her a whole book about Zeze a very naughty five year old whose middle name had to be mischief. Since then I was hooked, I must have read the same book about ten times and ever since I have been reading anything that falls into my hands except for newspapers. They are way too negative! My brain does not need negative stuff in it. Even though I haven't been the best of pen pals, there are still a couple of my old pen pals that write me snail mail every once in a while. I absolutely love getting letters, they make me feel loved. For those interested in keeping in touch here goes my e mail address Andrea Motta

There are some of my friends that would say that I am an old fashioned romantic, but nowadays I am not so sure anymore, after one too many brushes with bad relationships, I think I am quite happy to have my own place and Twinkle to keep me company on cold winter nights.

Even though anyone that knows me well enough, knows that my umbilical cord is linked to my PC, that is not my passion in life. There are only two things that I really want in this life. One is a degree in Psychology/Counselling and the other is a child. I think that a degree will be easier and more economical for the time being ... but I am working on the child project too! You never know if I don't manage to come up with a kid of my own out of the cabbage patch, I might just as well foster a child. There are way too many kids out there in need of some TLC!