Picture Perfect Illusions

Still Under Construction

Still Under Construction

This is a vp paint room.  We paint regular av's or megas.  The rules are simple treat others as you want to be treated.  Please do not wear nude av's for some of us do have children.  Megas may be worn unless room becomes to over crowded.  Please watch your language.  Sit back , relax, and have fun as one of our artist turn your av into a masterpiece.  Than you all for joining us.  We are currently looking for painters and list keepers.  If interested please email us. 

Still Under Construction

Still Under Construction

Picture Perfect Illusions Family (Staff)

Picture Perfect Illusions Links(Megas,Backgrounds,Tours)

Links...VPgoodies,Icq,Htmlgoodies,Tubes,Paint Shop Pro5,Filters,much much more...Check it out!!

Questions or comments please email us


If you have a personal photo,a background or even a black and white photo. that you want to be enhanced:Please contact  Icedude at the email addresses above,for pricing and or options available .  If possible please send photo with requests. Satisfaction is our goal.


In remeberence of the lost,the wounded,
and the families in Littleton,CO. 

PLease also  remember the victims, the lost and the survivors in Oklahoma. 

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