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Megan and Leah's __Homepage!!_
God damn do we rule!
Two great friends, in the mist of our first and secend year of uni - ready to take the world on with our beautiful faces and fighting (or is that frightening??) spirit.
Megan goes for st. kilda and Leez goes for collingwood (we're talking about AFL - not were we go for drugs and prostutes), but we manage to see eye to eye in the sense that when we go to football every guy on the field looks really good in those short shorts (except when dipper goes on, really, will he ever just go away?!!) hee hee. Leah is somewhat single in the sense that she has no boyfriend, but rather an abundant supply of men ... but Meggz has found the best guy ever to who's name is Adam and he is the nicest person. (my god, doesn't she sound just too in love? argh to monogamy i say!)
We both like to drink (and we are very good at doing it) and swear. we're joking. our hobbies include ones of fine talents and sexual antics... we're joking mum... and we also like to have girly night, where we eat popcorn, watch movies and do home perms. fun fun fun for everyone. exspecially when we get in the mood... hee hee... Butthead* knows what we mean....
love ya...

(*names have been changed to protect the innocent)

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This takes you to Megan's bit
look at leez... if that's her real name... and it isn't... its leah... even though they think it is lee at work because they know NOT how to read.


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