History of the Bulgarian Protestants (Evangelicals) | ![]() |
The role of Robert College in Bulgarian History.
Bulgarian Christian Mission at Chicago, IL history 1907-1935.
History of the Bulgarian Protestant Missions and Churches in America 1900-1940's
Bulgarian Churches in America 1900-1940's
Nicholas Nikoloff(Nicoloff) Bulgarian Pentecostal Preacher in America 1900 -1962
History of the Bulgarian Protestant Bible
The Bible in Bulgarian by Elias Riggs, D. D.
American education institurions in Bulgaria by R.Markham
The role of Robert College in the development of the Bulgarian state.
US press on the role Robert College in Bulgarian history.
Stoyan Tincheff and the foundation of the "Bulgarian Church of God"( Tinchevists )
Nachlo na Protestantskata propaganda v Bulgaria ot Manyo Stoyanoff , 1964.
First pentecostal Missionary to Bulgaria Ivan Voronaev.
(Terrorism in the Age of Roosevelt 1901-1902) by Randall B. Woods The Miss Stone Affair.
Captured by Brigands by Ellen M. Stone (The Miss Stone Affair).
Rev. William Meriam missionary of the ABCFM to European Turkey(Bulgaria)
Article in "24 Chasa" Bulgarian Protestant Genealogy
Prof. Stoyan Krustoff Vatralsky's visit to the White House.
1949 Pastors Trail in Bulgaria.
American's Share in the Regeneration of Bulgaria (1840-1959) by Leo Wiener . Modern Language Notes 13(Feb. 1898).
Rev. Paul Mishkoff: My Story, A Faith Life: From the Dusty Alley of Haskovo, Bulgaria, to the Glorious Path of the Gospel Ministries.
A lbert W. Wardin, The Baptists in Bulgaria The Baptist Quarterly Oct.1991 34 4(148-159).
Cyrus Hamlin, LL.D. American Education in the Ottoman Empire.
The Fugitive testemony of the suffering Ladin Popov went through while persecuted in communist Bulgaria.
Istoria na Bulgarskoto protestantsvo mezdu dvete svetovni voini diploma na Momchil Petrov, HTML-format.
Rev. Tzvetan Litov/1909-1997/ UMC minister /Bulgaria-USA/
What heppen to the Ivan Voronaev family after his arest, articles from New York Times and Washington Post v1... v2... v3... v4... v5
During WW1 USA did not declare war on Bulgaria, this was achieved by the labor of Stephan Panaretoff(Rober College graduate and first Bulgarian minister to US) and members of the ABCFM, Boston STEFAN PANARETOV AND BULGARIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS by M.Pundeff
Shhort history of the American Girls and Boys(The Collegiate and Theological Insitute) Schools in Samokov writen by Floyd Black
Americans Discover the Bulgarians: 1834-1871, by James F. Clarke
American Protestant Missionaries and Monastir, 1912-17: Secondary Actors in the Construction of Balkan Nationalism, by Omer Turan
България и българите през погледа на американските мисионери за периода 1857�1888 г. (по материали от The Missionary Herald) Персида Златков
Несторова, Татяна. Американски мисионери сред българите. София, 1991 г.
Българи Евангелисти във Вашингтон ДС-метро-ериа(Bulgarian Evangelicals Washington DC-Metro Area).
Designed by George Dimitrov. For contacts: gdimitro@tigr.org