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Another Fine Romance

This web site is devoted to the reading of romance. Reading romance has become more than a hobby for me, it is my passion. The next best thing to reading romance is sharing these great books with my friends. As you can see, I read books from every romance genre. I especially love to read new authors. Here on Another Fine Romance, I will be giving reviews and recommending of those books that I think you will enjoy. It is my hope to introduce you to a book or an author that you haven't read. So, please come on in and let me tell you about what I am reading...

Click on the following links to see what I am Currently Recommending:

Links to my favorite sites on the Web

RBL Romantica Home Page
RBL Romantica Message Board
Friends and Romance Home Page
Avon Ladies Message Board

Please come back often and check out what I'm reading. Be sure to reload the page as it changes often. I hope I have been able to help you choose a new author or book that you haven't read before. Until next time, Happy Reading!

© 1997 dkallen@dol.net

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