Per Engelsmann
My family homepage

Welcome to our family homepage. The goal is to collect information about the Engelsmann family, and We hope that many of our visitors can help with information. Maybe you also have some interest in the family name, with knowledge of where the family originated from, and to where it has dispersed?
Our branch of the family has lived in Denmark since May 1800, when my great great great grandfather Johan Hinrich Wilhelm

Engelsmann was sworn into the Danish army. He arrived as a professional soldier, from Braunschweig in Germany. 
If you have any relevant information, please send us a mail. My wife Lis and I lives in Rödovre, on the outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark. Most of the family has lived in or around the Danish Capital the last 200 years.
On the next pages I will inform you further about ourselves and earlier family business.

My wife Lis, on a day of leisure

Our hideaway in Sweden, on a winter day

Last updated 02. MARCH 2001 by Per Engelsmann