Hello and welcome to my homepage!
First of all, my name is Patricia B. Most of you know me as
Trish. I'm from Illinois and here you can find all you could ever imagine you might want to know about me. *L
I've been chatting since October of '97. I remember the first 2 days I had net access, I thought "hey...what's the big deal?" Well, I talked to a girl who went by the handle "Amaryllis" in a place called the Chathouse (downstairs..the same place I can usually be found every evening). The next night, I thought "well, I'll just go talk to her real quick" and the rest is history.
I've made some of the dearest friends I've ever had in my whole life on the net. I've met  about 20 of them (most of whom I met in the Last Call) in real life and hope to meet more soon. Sometimes I wonder if I've lost my mind, having friends all over the globe, and sometimes it really is a challenge, not being able to hug them for real whenever they, or I, need one. But overall I have to say I'm thankful for the wonderful people that the internet has brought into my life.
**update** Don't believe in internet love? Well, I'm not the person to talk to. "Field Man" aka David and I have been together over a year and a half now. We live about 25 miles apart and found each other at the chathouse. If you want my advice (hell, even if you don't) be very, very careful, but never give up. I'd say more, but I don't want him to get a big head. Love ya, baby! *smooches*
Now for a few things about me.  I can't say I have too much of much interest to say about myself. I have one interesting "hobby" I guess you'd say. That's my poetry. I don't really write a lot, generally just when I'm sad, but occasionally when I'm happy too. Check it out by clicking the graphic on the left  if you're into that sort of thing. Just remember I'm NOT a professional. Be gentle with your reviews. *L* 
I am a general fan of most any kind of writing. My latest passion are quotes. I love funny one-liners or just any moving tid-bit. So much  do I enjoy them, that I have created a whole page of some of my favorities. If you're into that sorta thing, check it out to the right.
Another thing that I think is unique about myself if my love for animals in general, and especially my own beloved pets. I have an iguana named Loki, he's about 8years old. I also have a kitten named Contessa. She'll was 5 years old in September. Both of them are my pride and joy. Be sure to check out pictures of both of them by clicking the kitten on the left. Also, if you've ever wanted to own an iguana, be sure to check out the iguana care pages I made by clicking on the iguana at the right.
**update** My beloved iguana, Loki, died this month. He had been very ill, and was getting rather old. He seemed to be doing better, but I came home from work one day & he was gone. He's sorely missed.
Another passion of mine is hockey! I just love it all. The men, the game, just..well, the testosterone of it all. *sweating* I'm a big St. Louis Blues fan and try to go to a game or two a year. (Once I hit the lottery, I'll be a proud season ticket holder *W*) Check out some of my favorite images by clicking on "GO BLUES"
I go to school part time, as well. My current major is CIS (computer information systems) and I think I'm actually sticking with this one. (I've changed majors a time or two. Okay, maybe 4.) I should have it done in 2 more semesters at most. I'm hoping to find a job as a professional web-surfer one day *hehehe*.
**update** I actually graduated in '02. Still work for the same company. The job sucks, but the pay is good, so I'm going with it for now. Got 3 associates degress-Science, Applied Science & Arts. I've so far been unsuccessful at convincing anyone of any importance that  3 associate degrees = 1 masters degrees. *shrug*
check out my school
Besides that,  the only things I can tell you are the basics. I'm 27 (October 1, 1976...that makes me a libra) and I work for the local telephone company. I'm a Maintenance Administrator. You know how you have to "call before you dig"? Well, I'm the person that looks at our maps, finds where you're going to did & decides if we actually need to go mark anything or not. Check out my company at right.
click here to get your horoscope
And finally, what most of you came here for - my stats. I won't bore you with the details, you can just click through and see what I really look like.  Feel free to NOT let me know what you think of those. *L* But I know how the world works..most of you probably just clicked my handle in the chathouse to see if I turned you on. Well....here ya go...
Thanks for checking out my homepage. My friend Alissa (one of the 20 or so  net friends I've met r/t) built this for me orginally and she also designed some of  these groovy graphics you see. I recently learned (am still learning) how to keep this stuff all up to date, which is pretty exciting for me. Hope you like it, and if you have any questions, comments, or just feel like talkin' sometime, feel free to email me at triciajoy@yahoo.com or stop into the chathouse and say howdy-do.  I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for takin' the time to check me out.  
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