Hey all, Just in case you're wondering, RA stands for Rare Angel, and that would be me :) This page is a poetry page- EDA's poetry (EDA=EveryDay angels, the Jewel mailing list.) . This is a thrill-free page, text only. You can read other EDA's works, or if you want you can add your own work by emailing it to me: (even if you're not an EDA) Rareangel12@yahoo.com Have fun, ~*~Abby RA P.S. None of the poems below are mine. Some of the writers requested to stay anonymous.
I am not from here My hair smells of the wind and is full of constellations and I move about this world with a healthy diebelief and approach my days and my work with vaporous consequence a touch that is translucent But can violate stone.