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welcome to spania

the official pledge of spania:

We the people bow before the almighty donut, whose gentle light guides our days and whose mighty power shelters our nights. We are nothing before it and we hold this truth to be self evident. We strive to become worthy. to hear those fateful words "vous etes grande vache" spoken at last to our very souls themselves. We strive to attain oohness before we can achieve nessness. Less is always more because three equals four. Three equals fourteen equals everything equals anything equals today equals friday. Through this equation are all answers found.

The world began in arkansas. Thousands of years ago man first walked the earth, by the grace of the almighty donut. Then in flew Air Sanity (fly in sanity) and everything changed.. We are not alone, in this universe, this dimension, or any other. The truth is out there, if we but take the time to seek it out. Our mission: insanity. Our motto: sanity have us us not.

Feel free to enter Spania. All is well in the kingdom.

aparnaa's pompous sentence:

While this epiphany is sententious, I feel that if one practices solipsism, he will not be a sybarite, and will find being meritricious jejune and bathetic; moreover, he will refrain from being philistine, a pharisee, or a jacobin, but be a chauvin and numunous, and though this will not appear inchoate, it will soon be visible.


While this discouse is based on dogmatic principles, I feel that if one practices the belief that only the self exists, he will not be a lover of luxury, and will find being artificially attractive dull and trivial; moveover, he will refrain from being a phony spiritualist, motivated by material values, or a political radical, but be a fanatical patriot and spiritual and though this will not appear in early stages, it will soon be visible.