<BGSOUND SRC="/tigermom710/dancing_queen.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to Tigermom's Home Page
Yes, that's me in my backyard.
.................. November, 1998  ..................
............  Cool Personal Facts:  ...............

We can see the Space Shuttle take off from my house.
I'm German, but have been living in the USA since 1983.
Single Mom of 2 wonderful children.
Enjoying the Florida weather.
Wir koennen das Spaceshuttle von unserem Haus sehen :)
Ich bin eine Pfaelzerin, wohne aber zeit 1983 in den USA.
Alleinerziehende Mutter - geniese das Florida Wetter
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Bitte trage Dich in mein Gaestebuch ein - Danke
Feel free to send me an Email at:

(just click on address and send)
My ICQ Number:
Germany Tourism Info
I created  this site on 01-18-1999
Thank you so much for stopping by!
You are my visitor number:
My Poems Page
Parents without Partners
Single Parent Central
Brevard County Library
since December, 12 2000
Herzlich Willkommen!
Me, November 2001
Calvary Chapel of Melbourne
Florida Today (Local Newspaper)
Auf Wiedersehen
Have a Wonderful Day!
My Kids Page
Rheinland-Pfalz - My Home State
Rheinland-Pfalz-Tag - 2002
Festival in Germany that I attended, check out the Galerie
Rhineland-Palatinate / Rheinland-Pfalz
State owned Castles
Die Pfalz / Palatinate
Zum Wohl / To Your Health
(includes Wein Fest schedules)
Suedliche Weinstrasse / Southern Wine Road
My Home County - Urlaub  / Vacation Info
(shown in pictures below: Vinyards and the Deutsche Wein Tor)
German Links
spaceshuttle dscovery lift-off
          PS....Always looking for a sweet, tall 6ft+, non-smoking dance partner in the Brevard area *-)