What's New

Here's any news that might be important in my life...
(not that you really wanted to know all this, but I'm telling you anyway)

I've finally gotten around to finding one of these things... now you all just have to get around to signing it! I promise, if you sign my guestbook, I'll love you forever. So, just click here and you can sign it, or if you already signed it and just want to see what other people have written, you can click here.

I'm here, finally!!!!!!!!! I love it... although I just started classes, and I'm a little scared of physics! Oh well, I'll survive. I love the people here. Come visit me!!!!!!!!!
My roommate is really nice! Her name is Lan and she comes from China originally and lives in Texas now. But no one should ever venture into our room who wants to come out alive... most likely you'll trip over something and break your neck. Sorry people!

Here are my friends that have birthdays this month... if I've missed you, I swear it's a mistake... email me!
July 13Rachel Lax
July 28Fernando Afonso Esteves

I'm done working there -- all finished, no more, and I don't get to see the miceys anymore. Too bad... well I'm sure they will be very well taken care of. And I'll go back and visit sometime. I finally have a picture, so you can see who I was working with all summer.

I think the devil posessed them now. They run around like mad... my brother seems to think they are chasing bugs, but I can't see the bugs, so I think they are just crazy. Maybe I'll send them to a cat psychologist? Or I could just tell everyone the funny story that I have insane cats that ate plutonium...

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