
Make yourself at home!



  I had locked the front door and latched the back gates. Not a creature was stiring we had all been up late. I looked over at Granny asleep on the couch and thought to myself I have time for a quick nap.       All of a sudden I awoke with a start,( No I was alone my husband didn't fart). I ran thru the house and what did I see but a scared chicken running straight toward me. She was running hard with 2 dogs in tow, how she got in I didn't know. She stopped behind the big sreen tv, and the pups just looked up so innocenly at me. I picked her up and took her outside, and there to behold was a little old gray hair lady running with a large bowl. " I tried to help you she said with a smile, But they wouldn't eat. And I couldn't catch them. I 'looked over my little kingdom with feathers covering the ground and tried to smile. The chickens were on the back forty I bet they had run a mile. They had lived thru the owls and things in the night . But dear old granny had gave them a fright. When I got the chickens save in their home, I noticed the little ones were gone. The total was harsh on this bloodly day. 2 chicks and 1 hen had to pay. But how is your day? True Story of events on 11/18/98                 Donna Pruitt

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