Hi I'm Natalie.
Welcome to my little piece of the world wide web *s* I started working on this page on the 29th of March, 1999. I'm not really sure what the theme to it will be, but I guess if there has to be one, its going to be all about me and the things I love. So go make yourself a coffee, get comfy and enjoy *S* And be sure to sign my guestbook while you're here *s*
Come back often, I've got lots to do on this page yet *s*Last updated: 15th November, 2002.
All about me *s*
My favorite things *S*
An internet love story.
Carly's homepage!

My Photo Album!
Some of my favorite sites *s*
My friends *s*
email - chestern@bigpond.net.au
ICQ number 9650375
Yahoo IM - natchester
MSN IM - chestern@bigpond.net.au
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