<BGSOUND SRC="/chcowie1/i_honestly_love_you.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
This website is a work in progress....But then....Isn't that what Life is?
Perhaps what you find in here will make you think.....
Depending on the frame of mind you are in when you read it....
Perhaps it will make you laugh.....  Or cry...
Depending on the frame of mind I was in when I wrote it....
I hope it will make you smile....
That's one of the nicest things anyone could give anyone else...
For those of you who already know me....
You will expect the unexpected.....
For those of you who do not yet know me....

I am Ladyhawk.....
Once upon the long ago....a maiden young and fair...
Loved a knight with shining eyes....and chestnut colored hair....
He slew her fearful dragons and gave her bright red flowers....
She played a song upon her lute and sang to him for hours....
Together they would pass the day....along the south sea strand....
And it was there, the knight so brave asked for the maiden's hand....
The Gods smiled down upon the two....as they vowed they would be....
Together ...hearts and souls entwined....Throughout eternity....
That happened ....Oh, so long ago....and very far away....
But the knight and maiden....Are together ...To this day...
The things we love are more enjoyable if  shared.  I hope to share some of those things with you
You had to be expecting This one
An interesting site created by someone who forever changed my life...

How can I put this..kindly?
He "acts" a good game, but can not Live it.
He won't allow himself to be the man he Could be.

There's a link back here on his page too.
Or there was.
Enter Aon's Strange and Savage Site
Table Of Contents To 
Ladyhawk's   Pages
I am a Proud Member of
Song Playing...I Honestly Love You... By Olivia Newton John
Awards andPrecious Gifts
From My Friends
Ladyhawk's     Pages
In Memory of and Tribute to
Those We Lost On
For Between Two Lovers Webring Which Will Never Really End As Long As There Are Lovers
This poem was copyrighted and commercially published in 2003
At the top of this page..started so many years ago...I said " Life is a work in progress. " My pages will  take you on my journey with me. Through good and bad, happy and sad.
But make no mistake, life is worth every bit of it.
Every night, I thank "the Keeper" for that !!
It means that every day we get a fresh, new start and can continue to grow and learn. Even if that means going through "trials" and sorrows, experiencing sadness and loss. Happily, it also means we can get to be glad we are alive and rejoice in life's pleasures.
Most of all, it means we get to spend precious time with those we love,
in all capacities.
Never let love die in you. No matter what the price, it's something we can not live without. Never "give" control of that away.
It's uniquely Yours.
Added Spring 2005
started mid-summer 1997
On September 25, 2005
I became a Proud member of
Simply Enchanting Angels Webring

Be Educated
Love yourself
as much as you Love Others
Visit the
Breast Cancer Awareness Site
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My name is nzladyhawk
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A site for St. Joseph's Women's Hospital in Tampa Florida.
Read about the care the "best" hospital in Florida offers.