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Links to Other Helpful Sites
Independent Authors Group - a group of Xlibris authors who have banded together to promote their work separate from what the publisher has already done.
Author's Choice - a place for previously unpublished authors to go for help
Writer's Guild of America - go here to copywrite your own work.
Erica House Book Publishers
NyDi Directory - a directory of sites pertaining to writing, music, anime, celebrities, and games.
Tylana Times - the official newsletter of Fantasy/Romance writer, PhyllisAnn Welsh.
Starlight Publications - an online publisher of terrific romance and fiction.
BookSavvy - Author/Book Publicity, Promotions, and Marketing
R.R. Bowker's Literary Market Place - a  listing of agents, publishers, trade services, and much, much more.
Medicine Of the Earth by Christine Carr - a book on holistic & herbal practices.
Herbs for Health by Meg McGowan - a book on herbal medicinal practices.
Professional Press - an unusual self-publishing company that offers services normally found in a traditional publisher, but allows the author the "voice" to manage their own production.
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