BLUE ZIRCON Art for Authors
We reserve the right to increase prices as the cost of supplies increase.
$175.00 - for the first web page.  This includes a photo of the book cover, synopsis, author's photo, and biography.
$100.00 - for each additional page, text and graphics only.
$5.00 - each additional photo scanned.

- each newspaper/magazine  scanned.
$20.00 - for each instance where changes must be made on your site, so save up a few before asking us to do them. 
$10.00 - for banner ads developed to help advertise your web site through the various banner networks.
Do you already have a web site, but are looking for someone to take over handling it for you?  Let us know.  We charge an initial fee of $75.00 to begin maintenance on your site for three months.  Whatever you want done will be covered until the third month is past.  Then the standard $20.00 per change fee will take effect.    We will need the password and other access information for your page, but will gladly take over your site whenever we're asked.
Your option to pay for our three months of work on your already existing web site.
$20.00 -100 bookmarkers with Title, Author name, contact email address OR web site's URL OR mailing address printed on marker.
2"x7" or smaller
$40.00 - 100 promotional bookmarkers for your special event, latest releases, or whatever else you feel you want to advertise on them.
2"x7" or larger.
$20.00 - 100 business/call me cards with book cover, authors name, email or phone number or URL address on card.
$35.00 - 100 brochures designed to market both the author and the book(s). 
$20.00 - Tote Bag with either book cover or author's picture.
$27.00 - Tote Bag with both book cover & author's picture, or any two graphics.
* There is a $75.00 set-up fee for all promotional items.

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