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“Every moment in time gives us the chance to love, to learn, to dream . . . and to become more than we ever imagined.”

In today's world, we let so many small insignificant things blind us from what is important. Life is important. Love is important. Family is important. Let us not forget these things anymore. We have suffered a tragedy that has brought us all together and I, personally, do not want to see us go back to the way life used to be. The patriotism, the love, and the caring are things that we should have been living with everyday. We have blinded ourselves with the belief that we could not possibly be defeated in any way. I wish it hadn't happened this way, but I, for one, am glad that we are no longer blind. I hope that we can keep up what has been started and never forget. God bless you, and God Bless America!

The recent events that have taken place here in America have touched me deeply. It is difficult to know how to respond to such tragic events, but one the ways I grieve and move on is to write my thoughts down. Here are a couple of poems that portray those thoughts.


by Me

I lost my life today,
Not by accident or on purpose,
But it was wrenched from me,
And who I was has died.

I lost my innocence today,
Seeing a tragedy that I could not imagine,
Watching people murdered,
And I was raped.

I lost my trust today,
Knowing that evil has taken root,
Not understanding how it happened,
And now I fear.

Tomorrow I will wake up anew,
Knowing that murder will be punished,
Understanding that God is with us,
And living with a sense of hope.

I lost my life today,
But tomorrow I will be reborn.

September 11,2001

by Me

My friend died today.
She was a happy person;
She always lit up the room.
I'll miss her smile.

My brother died today.
He was a funny man;
He always told the best jokes.
I'll miss his laughter.

My wife died today.
She was my soulmate;
She always knew what I needed.
I'll miss her understanding.

My son died today.
He was a dreamer;
Always reaching for the stars.
I'll miss his imagination.

Our family died today,
But our memories live on.

In memory of those who died in the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001.

I hope you have enjoyed these and if you so feel, pass them on and spread the hope and love. Always remember that God is with you and watches over all of us. It may not seem like it but it is true. Have faith and remember,
"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him."
Psalm 91:14-15

This is the most recent picture I have. It was taken at a restaurant in Hawaii in July 2000. The other person in the picture is my old friend James.


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