The Northwest Composites Centre
National University of Science and Technology
The University of Manchester
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Pakistani Student Forum
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Time-line of Pakistan
I am a research student at the University of Manchester, UK and this site contains information about most of my recent as well as past research interests. The website has been divided into current projects, past projects
and downloads. The download section contains links to download most of my
research publications and various in house developed engineering software. These
software can be very useful for teaching purposes.
Current Projects
- Modeling and characterization of impact damage in adhesively bonded joints
This is the topic of my PhD research. I am currently in the 2nd year of my PhD and already have some interesting results ... More
- Use of Bond Graphs for stress analysis in structures under impact or
progressive loading
Past Projects
- Void distribution in metallic foams using X - ray micro-tomography
- Guidelines for industry on Profiling of Blank holder force in Deep Drawing
manufacturing process
- Design, simulation and fabrication of supersonic flow nozel
- Efficient composition and decomposition strategies for FE stiffness
matrices using parallel frontal solver
Recent Publications
- Presentation at the Annual NWCC Conference(Added January 09)
- Volume 4 of PakSF Essential, The Monthly news letter of "Pakistan Students Forum".
- PakSF Essential, Volume 3
You Can view older issues of PakSF-Essential by visiting our website
- Modelling and Characterization of Impact Damage in Quickstep cured single lap joints, e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing - ISSN: 1435-4934 February 2007, Issue Vol. 12 No.2
- Poster presented at AIG Poster Competition at the The University of Manchester, UK
Modeling and characterization of impact damage in adhesively bonded
- PhD transfer report
Modeling and characterization of impact damage in adhesively bonded
- MSc Thesis
Profiling of blank holder force in deep drawing
- Engineering software developed in Visual Basic for teaching purposes -
source code available on request
- IC - Engine simulator
- CFD problem solver
- Heat transfer analysis
- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Single Pressure System Simulator
- FE Solver in Fortran
90: for 1D, 2D and 3D Axially symmetric Problems
Source code available on request

Contact Information
- Telephone
- 00441613065704
- Mobile
- 00447727242870
- Postal address
- Room A2A, NorthWest Composites Centre, Paper Science Building, Manchester, M60 1QD
- Electronic mail
- General Information: