Perfect Moment

Soul Mates, Perfect Moment

When we're born,
The soul we're given...
splits apart.
And, half ot it...
Is given to someone else.

So, all our lives,
We're looking...
For the person
With the
Other half of our soul.

And if...
We are lucky enough
To find
that person...
Our soul says...
"At last..
I have found...
My missing half..."

Then, it is said,
"We are happy and at...

Loving My Englishman

I love you, my darling, Englishman.
That beautiful day in June..
Was our "Perfect Moment..."
And from that day, love...
We grew more and more in love
With each other.
I love what we have,
A beautiful union of our hearts and souls.
It was meant to be...
And, I will always love you, my darling Englishman.

I'm always loving you darling.. always.
Love your angel...
Kamy xoxo

Loving Kamy

We started out as aquaintances...
Across continents.
Weeks of laughter meant friends we did become.
As we looked in each others hearts
We started to become closer...
Then love became apparent.
Lovers we would become.

Then as days, and weeks turned into months...
We stumbled along the way...
As we took our path together,
Holding each other's heart dearly...
Our path became smoother.
We built our foundation,
One love brick at a time...
We become each others rocks to lean on.
Then realising, we are Soul mates forever.

I cannot tell you why my love for you, so deep
...or why the very thought of you,
...makes my heart beat.

But, I can tell you why I smile when
I think of you...
Because, my love for you is so very deep.
My love for you is forever more.

You and I were meant to be.
We took this path of happiness together...
Hand in hand, we walk the neverending path...
Our love was meant to be,
And shall be till eternity.

Love always and forever...
Englishman xoxo

Our Path To Happiness

Perfect Moment