Toni's Massage and Poetry Corner
Hi. I'm Toni. I'm a Nationally Certified, State Licensed Massage Therapist as well as a published poet. I have been giving friends massages since I was about 14/15 and have been writing since I could hold a writing utencil. It is my pleasure now to turn both hobbies into my career!
It's a wonderful endeavor and I encourage one and all to make their dreams come true!!!
Benefits of Massage
Massage benefits include:
*Emotional Balance
*Reduction of Pain
*Efficient Breathing
*Enhanced Sense of Well-being and Relaxation
*Lowers Stress
*Relieves sore, tight muscles
*Enhances Althletic Performance
*Decreases Recovery Time from Exersion and Surgery
This is a page to highlight some of my published & unpublished works. Enjoy!
I am now attending Everglades University working towards a BS in Alternative Medicine. Wish me luck!
My Massage Affiliations:
NCBTMB eff. 3/04
Florida Dept. of Health eff. 4/04
FSMTA eff. 4/04
ABMP Certified Member 4/06
Have any comments or questions about either hobby?
Email me!
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