for those bitches too dumb to figure it out..... this is an enneagramatic cross-reference of different personality types depicted in spear.


can't wait. pretend I fell in the hole. Cuz I did. I split up. went schizzo. cuz i did. Don't care. don't give a fuck. splat. but not quite cuz it's softer than that. softer. easier kinder. lonely. I was trying to tell you. but you couldn't here it it was a long way off. what. that. tah. its the secret. the one I couldn't let you know. my dog sucked my dic. once. it tried me and found me guilty. of being a horndog. what. you want more. I can't tell you. but it's lonely the sun is along way up. can just barely see it. i've gotta start digging.

chocolate bar. sweet. chester. chomp. chunk. cheeseball. chumpa. chelathon it's over. I gave it up. All that shit. what. you care. I know ya do. I care too. toe. whatever. it's all good. I might be the only one that reads this. so what. its alright. public cencor. no pride no song. now.

fucking little girls.that's what i like.. they gotta be young. tho. or look like they're young. but what. so she's twelve year's old if she wants to party. get on it. makes my dick hard houbout you. fuckn hobo shit. hy i'm sick. can't correct. aing' no mastmrbs bmabugb

.cng. ifg iwnam bmr4.g.ignnolipse. gotit5. undwor. buthen.brnot. Coolness. It's all alright. I know I can get out of this hole, I'm in but I'm kinda depressed. Eating dirt. Takes a little bit to get out of here. but. I know I can do it. Wanna know something else. I'm crazy as shit. I'm trying to write the great american novel. It's easy enough. You just have to write a story. That's what I'm doing. How I got out of the hole. It's easy enough. I just have to relax. Not sweat this shit. Feel. My roots. I'm looking around It's a fantasy. A wonderful one. I'll probably never get published sob. All that shit's old. I want to see some crystal caverns. I know they're in here. Paul my old friend, went to see the moon. He did it the other way. physically. underground. digging through nightmare womb to get to madness. or life. I don't know which. Kick it. It's good. Can you say. I'm lonely. Know it. It's OK.
I want you to know. I don't know what I'm doing. but I'm doing it. anyway. I just beat off. It felt alright. She said. No Quarter. I can't help myself. I need your help. I don't mind. What. Maybe you didn't get the other book. I'm ok with that. Can you say. I was trying to do something different. Something I never done before Now, I've done it in my book. I wrote a book. So. What. Never heard that before. I can't help it. At least I didn't die. So can you say I hate that shit. I've got to get rid of my old parsage. I say. I knead dough. MMMMM. Love making bread. Can't you say, I'm Hungry. I've got a sandwich right here. Yum. Buds. I love 'em don't you. If you don't I'm sorry. Rocky and Bullwinkle. A comfortable pair. They got knocked around. Great psychic masterpiece. Underground. It's kind of warm here. Earthy. I'm comfortable but I could use some slippers. I fed my dog the rest of my sandwich. It felt good. Relaxing a little bit. got knocked around some. I think I'll light a candle. So what if I spelled it wrong. Can't you see that I'm a desperate man.

It's time to start digging.

Chunk. Chaka. cherub. That's her. So.I'll tell yu what. No crazy shit. It's ok. I think there's a light at the end of the tunnel. What am I trying to do here. Soothe you. Answer's yes. I'm also trying to get out of the hole I'm in. This is one way. Fellatio. Tee Hee. I'm chinking on through. It's nice in here. Can see the light.It's crystals or something. The crustal matter is glowing. Must be some sort of bioluminescence. Dream on. Ex-lax. This is the way. Exploration. I'm sitting down. Pretty tired. Digging deeper Can you see those crystals. Don't you want one. They're beautiful right where they are. Smile. It's alright. Nobody here but me. Did you see that. A fly flew by. That's pretty good. There must be air here. Must shake a leg. Ahh, why bother. Look. I'm telling you. I'm happy. How bout you. Never thought under water could be so comfortable. Usually I'm pouring rain all the time. Look. The sun's coming up. How can you tell I can't see it. It's just getting warmer. Maybe I'll burn that book for fuel. Can you see now. It's getting brighter. I think it's... Oh my God. It's a big crystal cavern. Huge. mighty. Miles high. It must be at the roots of the mountain. I must pee. Pardon me. Whizzzz. Just a little. It's hard to leave the mountaintop. Can you see. I can. I see a smile on my face. How bout you. Pretty good huh. Some people read all sorts of books. I read one kind. the kind I like. Carpal tunel syndrome. It goes away soon. But. I'm digging deeper Chunka, chunka bedabunka, nightime grinning. I'm still spinning. It's getting easier. The I-Ching. Nice book. Play with it a little bit. but don't get lost.

Smile, it's easier that way. Can you say it's an animal. Yes it's beautiful that way. Shhh.

It's a blunder. Little bit of a mistake. What you think I'm perfect. Les Nessman. Poor guy. I'm grinning. This is easy. Hear the birds? I can't it's pretty dark under here. I like the way the lights shining. Kinda Perky.

I like the way it is. Good day aint it. I wish I could see the light. Smile, its easier that way. Can you say it's an animal. Yes it's beautiful that way. Shhhh.

It's a blunder. Little bit of a mistake. What you think I'm perfect Les Nessman. Poor guy. I'm grinning this is easy. Hear the birds? I can't, It's pretty dark under here. I like the way the light's shining. Kinda perky.

I like the way it is. Good day ain't it. I wish I could see the light. Don't stay up all night. Unless you have to. I'm gonna go to sleep. It's kinda cold. What, chained to a post. It's Dick Dastardly and his lethargic mate. Penelope Pitstop. What, more you want more. Encore, Encore if they're slow I can tell you this. This is home language. Got it. Watch Ulysses, Odysseus. His story was home. The rest of it. All war. Can you say peon. I'm your slave. What is it you want to know. Can you say. I'm a back door man. I knew you could. Say it like this though. Spread open those Hurley gates, Honey. Daddy's comin' home. That's Santa Claus to you ma'am. What you think I'm kiddin. I wrote the book. Slang: fashionable language. Love: Common sense. But I'm Thomas Paine. You can suck me anyways, tho. Got it. I'm there. Drop me a line at Motherfucker. Duh, whats up. How's it going. Eat my shorts. Wanna end up with Butthead the rest of your life?

Chunka, shoka shocka. Chusta. Chees. Chucka. Chafum.

I fell through the cracks. there's a thing I want you to know. I can't help it. what you're gonna do with this book. rip it to shreads. probably cuz, you're pissed at your mom. you're 29 years old. give or take a few. Time to get out. Yes. Go visiting. Send your self a letter, ten years from now. That tells you what you want to do with your life. Can you say. parrr-ty. Yes, you've been saying that a lot. haven't you. Can you say rock and roll. Wanna do it. Get this book spear. read it like an elegy. See what develops. can you say. shit. can you say all the time. Can you say. Get a job that's what your mama says. I says get real. and quick. cuz otherwise you'll blow it. Great psychic masterpiece. I was almost in your shoes tho'. Look like keds huh. Want some dockers. Can you say. This sucks. I knew you could Can you say. get a job. that you like. Yes. good idea.

Can you say. Thank god you figgured it out. Can you say God damn, Maybe I'll get another cigarrette from the neighbors. Never could spell cigarette.

Say it I'm sicka momma's house. Thank you very much.

chumpa. crystal caverns want some. I do.

chunka, chupa. gona end up in grupa. Chonka. Chanka, Chesbat. chuki. chelathon. Cheeso. Cheeky, chakoo. ches.

busted through. I'm on the other side. Hallelujah. Dead man. not even but can you say. I'm nuts. Yup. It's kinda crazy here. wild sling barbarians. Cheap little bastard. Cheesy ass groovamuncha. It's like a barbarian madness. I'm in the back seat of my mamma's cadillac. got it. getting plowed. Love homer. Can you say. It's alright. Uh-uh I can't it's sick. and silly. Sed. plowed. Said yuk. Said by-by. Said busta-groove. It's alright Don't sweat this. I'm good. So are you. Said sweetheart. Said Love kindness. Said Love beer. Said It's all right. Let's smoke a joint. Said All cool. Said backpack full of beer. Said mystery shit. Said love venus. Said. Allll=righht. said. Listen to them. and you'll end up with your underwear in your panties. Can you say. bustle. I knew you could. Could you say. Love I knew that once. Can you say Susannah. I know it. You can too. Can you say. Shush. Can you say. Love bunch. Can you say. groovy one can yu say howdy. I know. Can you say. Hominahominahomina. I know can you say fag rock. Can you say sissy-boy. How do those words make you feel. Pretty good, huh. Can you say. Ammmaamighty. Can too. Stinks huh. You're living like a cockroach. Or your living like your mama. Or your living like a fucking fag. On queen land. Where's your float. It's in your toilet. Learn how to fixit. Got it. Said. suck huh. Said. Under neath your water fountain. Said. I'm alright. How are you. Said. Hate this shit huh. Howdy. I'm your friend. I don't want to hurt you. Said, it's all good. Can you say. Love buddy. I know. It's pretty weird, huh. Say it once. I love men. Say it again mean it. Say I wanna get laid. Mean that. Yup. Do ya. Really. Who does it sound like. read chapter 55, 46 helps too. Can you spear. Can you say. Check it out. Can you say library. How do you think I got to read so much. Women fucked with me too. Got it. Liberal. regular. Said cheap ass. Said mighty fuck. Said Sweet bottom. Said night is nice ain't it. chunka chunka. gotta dig.

Can you say. it's through. Can you say it's good. Can you say, get a clue. Can you say. I'm getting tired of this shit. Can you yumma gumma. Can you say old girl. Can you say I love you. Can you. I can. I love you. Get real. Can you say. I'm mighty. Say it. Mean it. say it to yourself though. It'll show. Shore nuff. Can you tell me one thing. Are you hungry. I am. I'm living like you. Can you say. I want your bod hon. Can you say radioactive. Can you glowing genes. Can you say I don't want to. said it. It's this tropic zone. say it again. Hot shit huh. Say me one more time. Old stuff. a little too young. Say Wanna ball?

I think this is someone elses:

Say wanna come to me mama. Say Butthead. Say sucks huh. Wanna talk about Jerry Garcia. No. Uhhhh, no shit. Say dead man. Say old-timer, say OP shorts. Say dreamcatcher. Say night time equation. Say hallelujah. Say one more thing. Say I love you. Say it a lot it helps. Say bye, bye mama. Say hello sweet baby jane. Get it. your house looks like this. Groovy grateful dead posters. Some not a lot. But a lot of love. And peace. and want that young piece. get a job. Say jog, Say sux. Say beer. say yumm. Say wanna know what. that's what. Say a big mamma scooter. Outside day. Say underneath the mattress. Say sweetheart in robes. Say lover biscuit. Say night sweat.
say make your own.

Can you say masterpiece. Make one. Make your own. this is mine. I'm psychic. I know. get a clue get out. Say.
It sounds like good advice though. I'm taking it to heart. Loving you has gotten me. Between a devil and a deep blue sea. Forget about the chosen one. Can you say. Take me take me take me to the cheeseball side. It's easy like this. Can you say whoops. Can you say she'll get it. Can you say. Hang in there. Can you say what's up. Can you say old shit. Can you say radioactive. Can you say test pattern. Can you say watch this. Oooby dooby. Can you say knight. Shane. Can you say. awesome man. Can you say. Groovy dooby. I knew you could. I'm watching. I'm saying whiskey pete's. I'm saying nighttime groove. I'm saying bust a move. Know it. Don't sweat this.
shop. chop it up, chop it up chop it up chop it up. punk. pooky.
Can you say. Eightys I knew you could Wanna say. one thing to me. Say it I like speed. A lot. It sucks Can't you say. Health ward. Can't you say. sweet heart. can't you say love barrel. can't you say taking it in the ass. Can't you say jail. I knew you could. Don wanna say it. Do it. Go. Have fun. I'll be waiting on the outside. with my baby in blue jeans. Can you say SR SFL. I knew you could. That's the secret. Stoner for life. It's a little better. Treat you right. Learn to live. Can you say. Get some beer. How much. A lot. For me that's a quart. For you that's a six pack. For them. It's a fuckin' case and a half man. Radio active. Can't you see that I'm a desperate man. I get high. When I'm around you. Yeah It's true contact. High. Why do ya think there are so many stoners. All to cool you down. Crazy ass. I love it though. I'm singing to you. Know it. Get groovy. Get silly or Die. Got it. Can you say rubber biscuit. How many times around you. Lots. Good job. Pays lots. Buy a line every month and a half. For old times sake. Got it. Let it go. good. get some beer. you've worked hard.
got back with a pack of cigarretes. Got my own beer brewin' can you say high rise. No dice. Need a garden for beer. Yeast takes time. Can you say love bunch. Nope. Can you say ka. I knew you could Jon. This one's for you slow it down. Take your time. Brew awhile it's all divine. Can you say slumbucket. Can you say. Love. Can you say groovy. I'm saving this cigarrette. for the right time. To piss my mom off. Gotta fit in with the desperate crowd. For a while. Chunka chunka dig through here's what's waiting for you. chunka chuhka crack ccclkkkkclckk. Can you say torture bus. Can you say groove to sanfrancisco. can you say fag bar. can you say death night. Can yu say I gotta walk. Can you say time for that smoke. Here comes hell. fuck you mom. I'm a ho. Can you say delicouus. I knew you could heree it comes. fuck you she's pissed. it's tough to type I'look like a bitch. comb my hair a million times. look like shit.. call. can't write. Bingo. It's time. gess not. she won't even let me make me make a long distance call. that's cuz I blew it all on beer. vudc isthe shit. I'm bord. what can I do. Nothing cuz yur fucked. I't s good. I'm trhe i hidehoe. But but but. but nothing. get in the butt. it's gonna happen. want it again. I love you man. Let's buttfuck. I'm telling you. I'm the buck you be the stallion. Kinda crazy. cricket going nuts. I'm gonna kill it. stomp stomp stomp. walking heavy. wailing. Gotta have some hell. I'm not I'm good I'm a pussy. Can you say. Love bucket. I'm getting the beer. she's not. Said it. BUuusta. I my finger hurts. little finger like a fag. like a queen fuckall night long busta. but byby. get gone go quick. Or I'll kill ya. yeah she's strong' I strong ly suggest this get quack. She's a donkey. A mule. You'll be sucking dick. Make her carry your drugs. cuz that way she doesn't look right. got it. I'm hurting barely mi place the bar. She doesn't want it.Downs the beer. torrturre time. She hates you so what. you hat e hur. can't type it but you hatehur. Can you say alouwishes. I wish I was some where else. Anywher. Ooh. I'm a horn dog. get it . I'm horning my dog. I sucked my dog's dick. Let's see how long it takes her to get pissed off. about ten minutes. tick tock. All the way. had to type that trhee times. felt it. the punch the psychic flare. She putit in your hair har. I'm telling you it felt like the voice from taxi driver. nope from Dune. Dryer than shit. I'm telling you. You'll feel it. In your jeans. you won't be wearing any. you'lol be wearing horn pants some fucking docker shit. Hey mama' lsgo to the bar and get all drunk. what no money honey. hahahahaha. Alright honey you know what I like suck it bitch.I'm saying mama wants candy. can you say dream operator you'll be dreaming of your empty socks. hanging on a line all night long. It's christmas time. You get a horse. A heroin fix. A death pocket. You won't die. but you'll wish you had. and you'll think about it all the time. got it. that's her. extracorperareal experience. your spirit will jump out of your body you'll feel like an animal. an electric. plate. can you see it. All the times I had to type this shit to get it write. Try burning her. Get in hell. naked plant. it's all alright. smile you're on cheap ass camera. My ass is cheap. wooo. wanna by some. I don't I am. This'll hurt. know it. I'm saying this. cut the shit. get real activate can you say get serious.I'm an urban ranger not a hippie rebel. can you say go to hell mom. I'm not gonna march sity hall. I'm barely able to spell it. drukn as shit. stuck on themoon can't get out. can you say. I knew you could. What don't believe me. try it some day. get cool It's all alright. Wish I could tell you waht to do. BUt that comes later. snakes go marching in. I'm in hell. told you again. Lock up ward. maybe cleaver maybe nuthatch eather way it sucxs again. Long hound. Say walk to the store. buy a beer. get her one. if she asks for it. drink hers love yourself oooohhh I love myself. I'm a bunny can you say fart. wble this shit. wobble got it. I'm not where I'm supposed to be. wrong you're right where you're supposed to be. In hell. Can you say. Lighten up. I knew it. You can't. wrong. you can you just don't know it yet. time enough for love. can you dig it. It's a trip hatch. can you say had enough. Can't type it. Got to say it go. get a job. even if you hate it. you deserve some pain. pay it off. the mortgage, that is hers' then you can kill her. really honest. sucks don't it. wanna get sane. I do. Say it again. I love you mom. sounds real quiet don't it. like she I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. the clown shoe. clown it up. fake her out. make her think you're not drunk. You can't turn the water into wine. all you can do is whine. Who's saying this. I am. put 'em in the refrigerator. remind her all the time. why cuz she's trying to detox. from you

got it.


You're poison dude. I'm posing. she's ready to kill me. Punch. I'm dead. She punched me in the head. I'm gonna have to take awhile to cool her down, eh. can you say punk rock. punka rocka. punka rocka. shut that shit off. can't hear it can you. your own voice. cuz your not alive. shit like that. Can you wait. nope. It's almost too late for you. Your gonna get kicked out of the house and drinkin from the hose. that's hose water. unless your on the street. then it's ranger water. gotta get life. live it. smile don't get drunk get buzzed. and then fuck her. your girlfriend. fuck her hard core style it ain't but what it lacks it makes up for in pumpa mumpa. she's gonna give yu the mumps so you look dumber than ever. hows mama's little boy. Aren't you a nice man. Look at you. Oh do you look good. Ho bait. Can you say. I look like shit so what. whana get it on mom. Ya right. get serious. smile a little smoke some more and go back to the same old shit. No wonder she's crazy. call some friends in the good ones' get them serious, show her that you are an intelligent anglo saxon. LIES your dumber than shit. now get serious here's the show. work at the theater. make your own wage. can't you say slumbucket. cuz that's where you'll end up. Can't you say sorry mom, I've been an asshole all these years. Only thing is you're getting ready to fuck her again. Howdy do. I'm cheap here's my rent. I'm talking to you seriously. Wiseguy. you're making your mom an wise guy. she's gonna get an enforcer. usually it's you. only now it's daddy. the one you hate. he's not your dad. He's just there to keep you from killing her. and maybe to kill you and steal your girlfriend. got it. She's sane your not she's just tired as shit. and who can blame her. Dick dastardly chained to a post. Not. Can you say get out there and find a job right. It sucks now tell me how can you survive on a monkey's salary. you can't but you'll wish you had. Good. Survival. of the fittest. you aint' get a job. that you like. go to school on her money. wait till you can't see the light. then fuck her one last time. THis time she kills you and you deserve it. Dead man. How far do you wanna go. Zero. Less than uh-uh you don't deserve it. just plain Zero.
Howdy this is me. I'm saying thank you god. for giving me a mom that put's up with all my shit no matter how bad it is. Nice place too. Great TV set. Good boob. Nice sucker. Can you say you've earned it. Nope. Live long and prosper vulcan. you aren't wanna be. get real. do something any thing. as long as it's real. And you love her. She'll love you for it. get a job. what ever it takes. And she'll love you for it. Your wife that is. Cuz your gonna get one. how long it takes. is up to you. how long it lasts is up to you. Just don't treat her like your mom. Or you'll be a dead man. Period.
Can you say. Monkey see monkey doo. Take your friends. Show them the error of your ways. and die.
Show me. I can't you know. just don't fuck her over. And don't be smoking J's with her. That's for her honey. Wanna die. Nope. Live then that's all I can say. Got other people to deal with.
Now I'm in too deep. Gotcha covered. can you say. I'm a ho. I am for doing this to you PBPPBPBPBPBBTTTTT. Blood pressure, use it not. Love it. Not. Keep yourself right there. in your temple. your own. bye bye.
Sorry to say folks. He makes it good. But it was a hard lesson. Maybe he can see. maybe he can't can you say remember me. I was a punk. So were you. Sometimes I hate myself for the things that I did. Am I gonna kill myself over it, not again. Been there done that. Smile you're on punk rock camera. OOOOOhhh. attractive jeans. Got it. Smile you're good. But feel the pain. someone elses for once. Your mom's that's a start. but don't get caught. Or else someone might think you care. Can you say. Start over. Can't get caught. Yes you can If you're not proud of it don't do It. I made beer. Hid it from my mom. She knows though, she's psychic. so are you. Know everything. Forgive lots. can you say she's gonna make it. are you. I didn't. almost. Good. got it. It's real. It's gonna take a while but work. care. love and maybe you'll get a break here and there. Smoke some buds. but not at work. Especially not in the bosses office. Maybe with the boss after you go home. Or what ever. your place or his. Can you say pathetic. same old trap. only nicer this time. Cuz it's your's see ya next time. You've earned it. Friend. go to 21, 23, 27 or 47 or if you really fuck up go see what I did you'll go schizo. I did. For a minute. Just to see what it feels like. Eat dirt. I owe your mom 27 bucks. Hope my book sells. Can you say read it and weep. You made it. When my book makes you cry. It's sold It did for me. Big fat blubbering tears. Read the dedication. Once then forget till you get it. Smile your alright. Get there, or be square. Square is all that hippie, bargain, basement. crap, cheap second hand. Booster shit. Can you say relax. I knew you could. close but try. bustamove. Try. booogie. Try jamonit. Try lovesale not. Try dice. Not, maybe. I don't know Aint there yet. Maybe so. in some small circles. Strip poker can you say Larry. I knew you could. Can you say punk. I knew you could you say. beatles. groovy man. What's on the oldies station. It's time to smoke a joint. Once in a while. What. Old times sake. Nope. Just love. Ya never know when it's gonna hit ya. BONK.
Can you say candyman. Don't, grow your own. Tobacco that is. wouldn't want to get in trouble with the feds now would we. Smile. Toke. Grin. Elegy waits till you have your own place. and have earned it. Once in a while.
Some people require more work than other's let me show you one man who requires no work whatsoever. Ed Henry. He's dead. In a job that he hates. With people he doesn't like but he's waiting for the weekend. With a job that he hates. That's all he gets. Ed requires slack. In a mega way. even his job is play. Even his love is play. For slack requires no play. just love. Play, curtains up. Whose there. Play it straight. Cuz it sucks. Sucked a dick huh. I knew you did. Do you think it worked. Nope. You still suck. Can you say. I need a vacation. I know you did. Only the best vacation is the one you don't have to earn. It's in the nuthatch. They put you away blblblblbb. They did for me. It worked. All the time even his play was work. Schizo. You can almost hear it. Crying. In the distance. Your love. I think it's her. You don't know. I don't either. Ea. She knows to pain. suffering misery, not. Whats on the tube. let's work some mojo to get a good TV show going. Yoink. someone stole your cable. what now. Smile. Love. Grin. Chuckle. PAIN. biggest pain of all kinds. The kind that makes you suffer. silently. forever. America. Love smile kindly. It hurts make it go away. The punk. Yeah your kid. Smile attractive jeans. I'm on fire. How are you. can you say. Sold. I can. Can you say. Shuck.I can. Can you say jive. I can, grin. You've been beat. Your daddy was a beatnick torturing trees. can you say good story. save it for the talk shows. You'll be crying about how cruel eye was. What. Smile. Laugh. Not on your life. At least once in a while. Can you say second hand loc. Almost. You'll make it. Look there. It's a grin. Can you see it. It's on your face. and your smiling. Keep it there. Let a man do the stress. Can you say. bunny. I knew you could. Can you say smiling. I knew you could. Can you say. fucked. Royal. I knew you could. Could you say activate. Yes. for a little while. get into your community. see what develops it will take you there. like 21. be careful. I'm saying paarrrrrrttttttyyy. puke. pool. poosy. pest. punk poochy. pundit. polofake. Punky. Brewster. Party action. Polo chess. Sike. Uh-uh. Wanna dream ranch. Nope. Wanna nice little place in the city. It's coming. wait and see. You're the toughest of the urban rangers. Too bad you're a chick. Talk to barbara. She's good. Love it. Smile quick. Can you say cheese. Your caught on punk rock camera. Get's groovy huh. Can you say. Love bites. Nope you can't. Love kisses. Deep down soul kisses. Love 'em every minute of 'em. Cuz they go on for minutes, hours even, if you're good.
Don't forget to breathe. That's all that has to be said go to 85 that's the evil opposite of 58. Can you say. plug it in. Nope. It's sore. all the time. huh. Hugh says come over here. Fat ass. Punky speaking. Can you say. Find a guy that makes you howl. Jump on his shoulders and ride you around. I knew you could. You're there babe. Don't sweat it. Especially the small stuff. I got a friend that says. don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things. Other way around for you. Let yourself get petted. Activate kink just a little. Some leather soft coated hand cuffs. For a saturday night. after the beer. Love it. Don't let him hit you. Leave him first. Can you say. bye bye. I knew you could. Can you say power. Don't go for it. Go for love. It's there. You know him. Aaron Garcia think of him. He's cool huh. Like him alot. He's married. Wait. you'll find him. but smile. I've got more people to go through. Sounds cold, huh. It ain't gotta spread your love around. It's good that way. Not that kind of love. That kind. The warmth kind. It's good. So are you. Smile more. Your face won't break. Honest. it was your smile that Attracted me to you first. Hear it. It's a good line. A real one. Listen to it. It's not mine. It was your face that got me. Real strong firm. Fully packed. Maybe. You'd make a great kid. Grow up. Small shit. nope. Big shit. Play a little more. right. I know you're not the hippie you used to be. play a punk rocker. It's right for you. You know it. Tougher than that. It worked for a while didn't it. Sucker. Cheap ass. Love sucks. Not. I'm getting cold. Gonna smoke another cigarrette. buy a Def Leppard t-shirt and tackle fag rock. Later Days.
chunka chunka. chunka chunk I'm a punka. God I'm good. Aren't you yes. Good. chunka chunka break on through. pop. I'm there. little cell. but there's crystals here. Intelligence. Wisdom love. Cellulite. Get fat. You've earned it. Eventually you won't be able to squeeze out of your cell. can you say. death leppord. I can. Grin. Smile cheese. Eat shit. It sucks huh. Wanna change. STop being something your not. A german english punk rocker wanna be. Can you say groovamighty. I knew you could. Can you say intelligent, yes. Can you say beer. Yup. I knew you'd know that one. Too much beer. Waste case. Buy bottle for you and your loved one. Once a night. Or more if it tough. Can you say. more beer more tough. Yup. I knew you could. One beer. One life save your liver and make it toniigggghtt. I can't sing. Can you. too many cigarrettes. Lighten up. It's all good. Smile you're on candid camera. Smoke that cigarrette. Lighten up. Just one. Lowers your blood pressure. clogs your arterys. eventually you'll have to smoke a spliff so you can die in pain. What. what am I. Read my book. you'll find out. Oy. Oy music. too much pain, too much comfort I like johnny cash. Pain prison. can you say niggers suck. I knew you could. Bastard. It's people like you that keep us in the stone ages. Where you are a dick. and she can't stand you. so yu have to club her on the head. with a bottle and drag her off to your lair. can you say. twins. Fat and fatter. that's where you'll be ten years from now. when you get there. say I told you say. I'll be laughing my ass. buying a rent check and smokeing your last cigarrette. Just kidding. Gin and juice what the fuck. Beer and booze can you say Hallelujah. I knew you could. Too much vitriol. Pain acid. look it up. Good job. got you to open a book. Start reading. can you say. Merry christmas. Get a nigger a present. See his eyes light up and his heart open with sadness. you're there. got it. Just work. Ends. screaming.
This is for you Joe. Can't you see that she hates you. Wanna know why. Cuz your a ninja. She doesn't want to see you go on a secret mission. She doesn't want to see you die. She love you. Deeply It's a secret. That's her'. Can you say. Die nigger scum. Sucks huh. It's kinda like a masterpiece. How cruel you are to her. Sitting there all day long on your fucking computer. Turning your back on her. Why don't you smoke a joke with her. Get all silly. Tell her your turning your back on her so she can climb on it your strong enough. Get those other women outta there. Get a job. A real one one that you love. Martial arts instructor. Teach the kids. To love. Can you say. Martial I knew you could. You taught me a lot. How to get my ass kicked. You're good. Honest. Now. Show it to someone. Can you say. Another cigarrette hon. sucks huh. succccssssssss. can you say you made her quit pot, can't you smoke too. I'm saying this to you. Quit smoking. Show her that your as tough as she is. Got it. Guts you got 'em. brains, none at all. She's a beautiful woman. A love her. B ditch her. F treat her like you've been treating her. can you say dear love. I knew you could cuz she'll be writing you from prison. It's the only way she can get the hell away from you. You're too damn strong. got it. Get real. Get life. Love her. Walk with her. But don't make her walk. Carry her. Can you say love bites. once in awhile yes. Does love chomp. yup. good food. stuff that makes her want to come over for dinner. rice stew. riiiigghhhtt. Love burger. yup. Can you say. trade off I knew you could. I will. Listen to it. It's a good song. Kinda grooovy. Those are her roots. understand. I knew you could. Your a fag. Can you dig it. Smile You're on asshole camera. Look at my ass. See it . It's winking. You'll be there. soon. Or you'll be dead on some damn fool ninja mission. Die butthead die. Kill me now. Honest. right. you're true. Get real. listen to your self. I'm a ninja. sounds like a wannabe. you are. I'm a martial arts master. Incredible. got it. Kill yourself. you're dead already. get out of the trap. live a little take her out. Can you say deadly force. Yes, thats the cop. can you say love her a bunch. that's a life. and a marriage if you want it. Weasel. Underarm. Bastard. Small words. Big words. Zappa. Smark Ranch. Some pasty. Real doughnut. One more word. outta you and I'll lock you out of heaven. How with my key. this is it love. You took a harp and made it a weapon. watch me make a weapon out of you. killer. Can you say. I'm a murderer. I knew you could. can you say jail cell. I knew you could. Can you say bastard. I am. Are you. Yup. Just not the right kind. Can you say nicotine activates your brain cells. better use it you've got one left. Can you say. this hurt to tell you. yes. can you say. I love you yes. Can you say. I'm a bastard. no. Can you say. I'm a lover. Yes. Can you say she'll love you for it. I know. I was there. I'm moving on. You're a genius. Be a genius of love. Kookashoobie kookamunga. kooka rageous. kooka carol. kooka love boat, kooka kooka little shooka. watch what drops in on my booka. A. I. Artificial intelligence. I'm there. Are you. Yep. Book activates. can you say. sayonara. I know you can. Can you Say I'm here. Can you say. I'm a lover. Can you say. I'm not it. Can you say. Tag. You're it. I can. Can you say I'm climbing higher. I know you can. Can you say. I'm a cheapskate. better not. Buy some butterfinger bb's spread 'em around. Can you say. Small stuff. Yup. Can you say small love. YUP. Can you say beer. Yum. I'm getting some. Back in a minute.
Open your window. It's nice out there. Maybe I should speak for myself. It's a hot summer afternoon. And a cool breezy, summer night. Can you say I don't need to say it anymore. What's that. I just bonked myself. Crumble chomp. Here I am. Are you. Lover. Come to poppa. I'm coming out of the closet that I've locked myself in. Are you the one. Susannah. I think it's you. I've had dreams. They're great. Can you say. Will you marry me. I'm gonna be waitin' in the mountain meadow. I better ask nice. Susannah Rivas. From Ajo, Arizona. I, Kevin Anderson, Ask you to be my bride. Will you take me up on this. Please meet me where the sun don't shine. Ajo, I'll be there. In ten minutes. Just call me. You know the number if you don't. I'll look you up. I'm a lover. Can you say. I'm outta here. I am.
Climbing out is in the other book can you say the voder is false the throat is real. I love you Susannah. This one is deadicated to you. For real.

Two days later

I was up on the roof,

watching the stars.

playing guitar

It was a windy evening, kinda cold.

Too bad Susannah wasn't there; In her sweater.

She woulda been warm.

I climbed down offa the roof.

Dropped my guitar.

and it broke.


Everything breaks.

Don't sweat it.

You're still alive.

And so am I.

I am. Kev

My first cry.


There was a moment when the words of the past became meaningless, When nothing mattered. It was a time of misery for the gentiles for their son was gone and the point of order that had existed was going to be destroyed in the destiny of the mindless. Here is where the future lies, In the words of the devil and the heart of the Lord. I found the time for longing was long past and the sign that was called forr had come to see our first efforts. Here we found the time to make our bed. There we found the strength there wast the power and when I found out the cost of the time spent it was unbecoming to string along on the cross of my own endeavor. So here I lay, in the tomb I made for myself over my lifetime. How do you find where the heart lies, look the the head and say why do I find my self in the heart of my mother instead of over the rainbow of desire. It was neath the silvery west wind of fate that I found myself hanging myself in the garage with a rope. It was a long time before understanding came to my feeble mind, but when it hit me it was like a sandpile suspended on a bias of knowledge. Called to attention by the Lord I was found wanting and all the future had to hold for me was the promise of easy lays and cheap seductions of the inner soul by womem my power diminished to a lasting ebb. In music was I to find abandon with my soiled spirit calling my toes to leap from my perch, strangling my mind and all its faded glory.
When the sun came up it was near the door when the power arrived I threw it away So how now Get out of here.
Here I was, waiting to die. In my mother's home with my neck in a noose of her construction. I did not make the noose I just threaded it. How do you know when the words of the past have come to haunt you; when the time that has no mind has shown to be the heart of the finish. I know that I have a massive time that is to be uprooted with the power of love.
Here's how you do the deed, first spy on her, see when she is sleeping, when she sleeps there is the time to work, write when she sleeps, it makes too much noise so turn on the music, I don't care if she doesn't like it, Its necessary to find the truth, about her, about yourself about why you can't effectively break her hold for long. Here's whats up you gotta be. Why cuz it makes her mad, and your have to learn to redact yourself cuz she wounds you when she has the time. It's important to type as quietly as possible, cuz if she knows that you're typing she's gonna try to stop you. By mae.
There's something else I need to know about myself, where do I come from, she has blocked you from internet access under the guze of the porn alerats when you get done typing sleep for a bit. Another dream will come and show you the way. Why don't I type with my eyes open, cuz I know where the keys are and how there's something else you knead to know making bread is fucking good for you, it makes your mind balnk and takes some theme that she sould use sleeping. Giving you the spiritual mana to go on there.
There is something else... WHen you get ready go to sleep.
Where do I start. With my intellect I wanted to master all of the available areas of knowledge. I had no idea where it would take me. When every symbol was filled with meaning, and every word would read with multiple meaning I knew something was up there was no way to stop the images from bombarding my psyche.

Recipe for Tassajara bread.

Thanks guys.

Work, Work, Work, Don't be a jerk, jerk, jerk.

Water 6 cups lukewarm

yeast 2 tablespoons (2 packets)

1 2/3 cup honey (or sugar, yuk)

2 cups dry milk

7 cups whole wheat flour
2 1/2 tbs. salt

1 1/4 cup oil

4 cups whole wheat flour

4 cups of oatmeal
2 to 3 cups of flour for kneading
dissolve yeast in water

stir in 1 1/2 cup honey and dry milk

stir in 7 cups whole wheat flour till thick batter

beat well with spoon (about 100 strokes)
let rise 60 minutes in a warm place with cover.

fold in salt and 1 1/2 cup of oil, 4 cups flour & 4 cups oatmeal.

Fold in flour till dough pulls away from sides of bowl

Knead on floured board.

(Add flour as needed)

Knead 10-15 minutes till dough is smooth
Let rise 60 minutes. till dough has doubled in size.

punch dough down.

let rise 30-40 minutes.
Form into 2 or 3 loaves.

and place in baking pans.
Let rise 20-30 minutes

Cook at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes
Cool and eat. Yum.

I want to tell you thank you, all of you. You are the best. Smile.

Kevin Anderson K Kipp Kev or whatever the hell you wanna call me. By the way. My mom's not a bitch. she's just the bingo lady. BINGO. got it.

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