Yahoo's Rule NUMBER ONE never give
out your password!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are some people posting
pages in yahoo checkers saying , you will get hacking programs,macros
and boosters, and all sorts of good stuff.. and the link
takes you to a yahoo forum . but its a fake,
other take you to a yahoo picture gallery
and so on , never give out your yahoo password until you
know its a safe page (entering yahoo through its safe
dont give out your name and password if you didnt enter
the link through here is an example page: DO
<td><input type=submit
value="Sign in"></td>
<input type=HIDDEN name="FORM_SUBMIT_EMAIL_submit"
value = "">
<input type=hidden name=CMD value="CMDSubmitFormElement">
<input type=hidden name=BACKPAGEURL value="">
Take a good look at this site's codes:
If you look at the coding you will see its a submit form
, what this form does is it sends the password and name
information you gave out to and he will get
your password after that. SO remember NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR
This is the new look, just one of
the many more to come.. Enjoy
to our faithful leader Luis (Chaos_gladiat0r) or like i
like to call him Mr. MIA (missing in action).lol.his return
will be very soon. He is expected to reclaim his spot and
lead CHAOS into glory once again. Very soon my friends,
very soon the Gladiator will return... lets keep our fingers
crossed and hope for the best. Rumor has it that fag is
still on *Come back you homo we need

Yahoo's Future
- As a result of certain teams falling
off, a number of new teams have emerged and are starting
to compete hard for yahoo royalty. Teams such as FSC, EL
and MSI are starting to show their worth some respect in
the Online Checkers World. I believe all will be shown in
due time, lets keep our fingers crossed and hope them the
best. Hey! you never know these teams could be yahoos future
FCA, CHAOS and IGM....they might even outlive
I'm sure Camron is planning on team hopping his way on to
one of these teams lets keep our eyes pealed.