<BGSOUND SRC="/cijai_2000/affirmation.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hello fellow cyber junkies - I am so glad you stopped by to find out a bit about who I am.   Grab a fresh cup of coffee and enjoy my page...............

My name is Cijai and as you have probably guessed - I am a cyber junkie.   I spend  my free time here, learning, writing, reading, surfing, or chatting with friends, new and old . In fact, if ever I go missing - they will  probably take prints from the chair at my computer desk to find me.  *G*
Use the many links to learn more about me, read some more of my poetry, find out what's happening in my life or to contact me ...
Happy surfing and don't forget to let me know you were here by signing in my guestbook...

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last updated: Feb. 2, 2006
NEW Tattoo: see a bigger view and read about it too
I have created a
"Lost & Found Friends" page to list the friends I am looking for or friends  have found......... [ Last Updated: Feb. 2, 2006 ]
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Got a poem, thought or comment you would like to share ? Go ahead, e-mail cijai will get it to me lickity split - so go a head, what are you waiting for? Send it to me now!
Click to read it
updated: Feb.5/06
For links to more of my poems, click here...
a lttle picture I drew..........kind of a self portrait.....hehehe
Life's Roads
by Cijai
Along the way, there's forks and bends
There's risks and chances that I take
In my face temptation dangles
It's up to me the choice I make
Turn right and depend on history
To save what's familiar and pull me through
Turn left and let the history go
Set out to start my life anew
In the end when I'm full to the core of my soul
With feelings of pride or feelings of shame
Deep in my heart, I'll always know
I'll have myself to thank or blame
Note - my homepage is still under construction and will be changing  so please stop by again and check it out!!! Give me your  feedback - I want to hear it!!