Hello everybody this sight you are looking at is my tribute to one of my favorite loves and that are girls feet. No this is not my only love just one of the more intimate ones. Why feet you may ask well it is all from when I was younger and had a neighbor who used to make me worship his feet. I was just a boy about 7-8 years old but found I enjoyed it and as I got older started noticing girls feet and tried ways to trick girls into letting me at them. I was so scared to admit my fetish for I did not want people to look at me weird so I kept it a secret. I only got feet every once in a while growing up and never how it truly wanted them for I had to hide my love for them. Well when I was 20 years old I moved on to the road for I was never like most people and never felt the need to live the normal life. The thought of a 9-5 job with so many sick days and a few weeks vacation a year was like going to jail for me. The thought of having to be with people I may not want to and having people making me do things I may not agree with was not my thing. I never really was into the thought of having a family and settling down. So I spent the last 20 years on the road. I have learned much out here and have built up a pretty good business selling silver and body jewelry to stores like Head shops, Music shops, and tattoo parlors ect. It has been a long adventure to get to where I am. I first started in the swap meets and barely made enough to live I have lived in cars, vans, and RV’s before now I mostly live in motels. I make a good living out here and Do not want for anything and am very blessed for my life. Who am I you may ask well I am a guy who refuses to ever grow up I love the life a nomadic gypsy. I like working when I want and being around people I want to. I am blessed enough to not have to sell to anyone I do not like. I love theme parks and movies and music and my computer. I love the fact that I travel from Los Angeles Ca to Boston Ma and from Tucson Az to Billings Montana. So I am at a beach one week and a desert the next and the Rockies the next to long stretching farmlands and plains. I love the changes that I am dealing with everyday and all the types of people I meet. Ok now back to the reason this site is here. Well as I got older I got a little bolder about admitting my foot fetish. I now just say it with no problem for I feel very good inside about it for it is a safe way to be intimate with someone. I do now have to worry about children or diseases and can save sex for those that are I have strong feeling for. I found that most girls I get to let me lay at their feet like it some love it and some just tolerate it. Ok now so many ask how I get girls feet and so many. Well remember I sell jewelry so a lot of girls I have trade jewelry to let me have there feet. Some like me at their feet and we just get together when I am in town I spoil them anyways for they are friends. Also once in awhile a pay girls for there feet when I meet one in a bind and they world give me there feet for helping them out of there bind. I have also got a lot of referrals from girls I have been with who bring other girls with them. This web site only represents the last 3 years of my foot adventures, which have been going on a long time. I has been the been getting better every year and finding more girls than I used to I have found over ten in the last month here where I am now. So for all you shy guys ask if you truly want it or you will never be happy you may be surprised. |