Things you should ask your chat Buddie!!
Ask their real name..........ask several times..........check to see if it's always the same.
Ask for a list of their chat names........if it takes up the whole screen....ask them to make up a new one just for you.
Ask your new buddy for their A/S/L.........if their name doesn't match their gender.......beware......once again ask A/S/L (a/s/l = Age, Sex, Location) several times to make sure it's always the same.
Ask if they are married......if they say "yes"...ask why they are in a chat room..........listen closely to the answer.........if they say "My spouse doesn't understand me" or"My spouse doesn't like me being online".......then you know the spouse doesn't know they are online.
If your new buddy says "let's cyber" before saying hello..........think about it.........laugh...and run!
Ask several times where they live and what they do for a living.........see if the answers are always the same.
Ask them if there's any mental illness in there may be surprised at the answer.......or find out they have a great sense of humor.
If they ask what you are wearing..........tell them the truth.
If your buddy is quiet for 30 minutes and then returns...don't be upset.....tell them you hadn't noticed they were gone..............they were either at work..........hiding chat from spouse...or chatting with someone else.
NEVER give your own real name, location or phone number out in a chat room.
Beware of people that only whisper in a chat room, or never seem to join into room conversations.
Plan ahead.......get a Hotmail or Excite, etc., addy that has no relationship to your real name or location.......that you can ignore or stop using.
Ask if they've had a net relationship before. If they answer "yes", ask what happened.
Ask how many relationships they have had on the net.
Ask who the relationships were with............and get the low down from other chatters.........see if the stories match.
Ask them if they are chatting from home or work...they may just be killing time.
Ask about their they feel about them may tell you a lot.
Ask what their ideal fantasy date would be warned you may find out more then you want to
Ask if they've ever met anyone from the net in person..........find out how it went..........and if they are still chatting.
If you've started a relationship with someone....ask if it is common knowledge.........or are they trying to hide the fact from others....
Hey guys and gals....if you know there's a relationship with two people..respect that.....stop PM'ing them....and playing games.
Does your new buddy come into chat and look for you........then leave when you do.....or hang around after you go?
Do you know the odds of a net relationship working out?
Be honest, if you're just there to chat or kill time.........tell them that at the beginning.
Is someone else trying to get involved in your relationship? Find out why......there may be a good reason.
Ask yourself if you're being honest with your new buddy.....remember they have feelings.........and feelings can be hurt.
Talk to anyone who seems to be friends with your buddy....find out what they know.
Ask your new buddy if they have ever been hurt by someone on the net...........and be honest with them about yourself.
Ask what they expect from your relationship...........and tell them what you are looking for.
Remember married people usually stay married...and don't leave their spouse for a net relationship.....can you live with that?
Ask if they have a web can learn lots from it!
Ask them to describe themselves......then a bit later ask for a photo..and see if their age and description matches. Ask for a second photo and see if it matches as well.
Do a name search on Alta Vista etc. and see if they match their story.
Check to see if the timing of emails agree with their stated timezone.
Things to look out for.....
- Try to judge the person you are talking to...does the person get angry or agitated beyond what is normal? Are they obsessive about the number of times they contact you? Do they say things that are out of their character?
- If you are in the chat room and someone is annoying you....put them on *IGNORE!!* Don't talk back to them - it only encourages them to become obnoxious! Remember, click *IGNORE*!!
- Don't be afraid to ask for help from the Administrator or other chatters.
- If you find yourself in trouble - remember you have the power too - Internet Providers and email providers require people to declare that they will not threaten or harrass others...if this is happening to you - ACT! - Complain to their service email provider and try to shut them down.
- Don't forget to do your housekeeping....Clear out your temp files / cookies, etc. A case was reported that a man killed his wife who was engaged in chatting with other men.....So beware!!!!!!

Chat rooms are for making friends and having fun. They are not a substitute for or a way of life. Should you become too involved remember there is life after chat, you just have to look for it.
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