Welcome To the Yin/Yang of  Dominance Initiated 1999-08-04 12:36.
This is not a graphic discussion, but rather a  real, general, Philosophical discussion of Dominance in humans and nature with some Taoist leanings. It is also not to be considered a training ground for submissive. It is a point of reference for developing understanding of the Dominant self, Patience with others, Ethics in practices, and Responsibility for actions by Dominants. This is the Yin side of that power that, through discipline of control, brings balance and harmony by conquering the inner Demons.

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The Force of Water is Patient.
The Streams, in their movement, cut and shape the Valleys.
The Flow blunts the edges to smooth curves and carries away the Leavings.
The Streams combine with each other, but they do not compete with each other.
The Water continues over or around each obstacle with the invisible force of gravity.
The Streams still are still Lords of the Valleys they come from, regardless of the River they flow into.
The Streams and Rivers are the Lords of Ten Thousand Valleys because they seek the lower ground.
What appears softest in the world rushes and runs over what appears hardest, shaping it by its persistent Flow.
The Flow turns left and right - all things depending on it, all things living in it, all things accepted by it, and all things passed over by it.

A faithful Master is an archer whose aim is true and actions correct.
If the Archer aims at an apple and desires a doe, meat will not be on the table.
A Sensitive Master Makes choices that benefit all.
The Archer's quarry only meets the needs of the House and leaves no kill to rot.
A Perfected Master is without blame.
The Archer's use of the quarry is properly managed.
A Balanced Master chosesappropriately with Knowledge.
The arrow chosen is suitable for his quarry.
A Master focused inwardly is attentive.
His attentiveness lets his arrow fly true only to its mark.
With unlimited Facts and Logic comes the Understanding the Wise Embrace.
When the Wise will embrace this Understanding, they will protect others Without Limits. 
 Dominance in Humans and Nature 
Contact Omar at:
If you were looking for a European view, this is not it.

For the Western [yang] Dominant/submissive's view see  Velveeta's:
"What Makes Someone Dominant"
"How to Spot a Non-Dominant"

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