The Gothic SOciety Fancy Dress Picnic++++
Due to problems at Point Pleasant Park (beetle, protestors, Shakespear by the sea) the picnic will be held at the Dartmouth COmmons. The Dartmouth Commons is across the street from the Sportsplex, it's very beautiful with a cemetry in the back. It will be held on August 20th at 12:00 noon. Bev will be doing palm reading, and giving a discussion. If anyone wants to bring tarot or their talents to share please come!! |
-i don't remember where i got this picture, if it's yours tell me and i'll put up a link to your page!!!(she;s beautiful isn't she?)
Lot of events have taken place in july, meetings, AEPG meeting an greet, titanic fund raiser, flea markets, and august will be even more fun!!
The AEPG(the Valley) will be holding their annual gathering that month. The Gothic Society will be holding it's annual picnic(everyone loves it). It most likely will be held in POint pleasant park, but we're not sure(grr beetles) |