Tale of the Trees Miscellany
Welcome to the site of Kareations Art (kara wildnauer)
Here once again inside my knotty knees, I find the tale of the trees....
Thank you for your interest and be sure to check out my site at: Kara Creations Also, learn more about my daily ponderings at Kara Creations Blog
I got my arthurian images here.... (these are not mine and here is the place to find the whole story and pics.)An Arthur Homepageand then some
All things Kara...See my personal favorite sites on the web!
once you've checked out the gallery below, take a trip through the Art Archive of Kara Creations
This is my gallery of images, a picture journey through the things I create. I have enjoyed my ability to do this and although I know it is a small thing... it is something I care deeply about.

Local Artists (Northwestern PA):
Shay Payne's Kin of Fire Studio
Bryan Geer site
Sean Huntington watercolor
Wintis site
Stephanie Distler Blog
Stephanie Distler Etsy Site