Welcome to the Website for C. Felipe Simpson, MCP
I'm a former Computer Networking Student at ITT Tech's Tampa Campus, Florida.
I was born in Kingston, Jamaica. When I want to find out what's happening at home I check out the Jamaica Observer's Website.
In addition to the official language of Jamaica: English, I also speak Patois, a local dialect (a mixture of English, and various foreign words mostly of African origin), Spanish and Portuguese. I also know a little Italian, and I try to improve on it everyday.
Apart from computers I am also a Telecommunications specialist. I have twelve years experience working with Nortel and Mitel PBX systems. And I have six years experience working extensively with computers, and computer networks.
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste".
I have written two books, a number of poems, and a few songs. To put yourself on the mailing list for notification when my books become available click here.

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poems become available click here.

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Click below to read one of my short stories.
A Different Light
Language Barriers
The Big Difference
Legal notices and cautions regarding Mr. Simpson's works.
I always fly........
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