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I am the mother of twins. They were born on August 1, 2001. I am a bbw and have started this website to tell people about myself. I am not looking for a man so men please do not write to me. I am here to tell you my feelings about all sorts of things. I like to talk about myself and who I am as a person. I am bisexual and I live with my husband. If you want to know about my bisexual life you can click here Please be patient with me as I update my website every quarter. Also please sign the guestbook (OR ELSE!!). Love Nicole
Update October, 2005
Things are not going well in my marriage lately to be quite honest. I am not sure what is going to happen. I can't say much here because I don't even know who is reading the website anymore. Mainly I am just posting to update. I have been hanging out online alot at . It is a game I like to play. If you ever want to find me on there you probally will. In hopes you all forgive me for being slow with the updates. Peace~!
Update August 3, 2004
I tried working it out with my ex and things just didn't work out.
I was very upset to let her go. You live and learn. Sometimes people portray themselves as something they are not. So now I am just 'me'. I am not interested in starting 'new' with another female. My feelings are very fragile and I have been hurt badley. I will not remain friends with her though. I am tired of the game playing. If you are here because you want a relationship from me, let me tell ya something, your in the wrong place. My heart has been pretty much trampled and torn apart. I just want friends. Love Nicole
Update June 3, 04
Nicole from Muskegon:
Hows everyone out there!!!! Whew I haven't heard from many bisexual women lately. I think you all dropped off the face of the earth lol! I got a new Diary site now and it is linked from my big website click here I have a new kitten now and she is only one years old but already in heat! We are getting her fixed tomarrow because I can't stand to hear her meyow a million times. I have been dealing with alot of family issues lately with the death of my grandmother who I took care of to my father having 4 heart surguries. I haven't worked on the site as much as I have wanted to but just bear with me. I have been seeing a woman in my town. She is someone I really care for. I haven't really looked for women leately. I am pretty happy with myself and not looking or searching. If you want to read more I guess you will have to come to my big site and read my diary. I hope to see you there!! Love Nicole
Update 9-27-03
Nicole from Muskegon:
  Hi how is everyone doing? Well the update is that I am not seeing anyone at the time. I am not really looking either. I am just kinda browsing from time to time. I have a crush on someone. She is hot. I don't think I can be with her though. Circumstances ya know! LOL I will have some new pics of my family up here soon. I hope you all check out my diary page! I would love it if you would email me at I love to get pics (no dick pics please). I am ready to make friends (friendship friends) if you are interested. I am not looking for a relationship right now!!!! I am just trying to get to know people. TTYL Nicole
Lelia and the twins
Michael on his 2nd birthday
Our cat died and it crushed our hearts and souls. It died of Lukimea (or possibly aids). We did not do an autopsy. This cat really talked. He could tell you when he was hungry. He was very playful, and extremely funny. Before he died my personal relationship with him improved so much. Even though he scratched my 350.00 chair to hell lol. The night he passed my daughter and I spent every moment we could with him. He was in so much pain. My husband slept on the couch. Her (the cat) and I slept in the bedroom. He was hurting so badley that we just let him lay at the foot of the bed. We told him how much we loved him and Lelia cried herself to sleep. She kissed him before she laid down and I knew that he knew he was loved. He died at 2:00am. I woke up and found him. Mike buried him before Lelia could wake up during the night and find the cat stiff. I didn't want her to pet him and feel him stiff. He was in the fetile position when he died. It hurt me so deeply in my heart. I never knew you could love a cat like that.
My stupid brother Fried_Meatloaf
My little babies :)