Dayang Sales Montilla , LByron Mendoza Montilla,
Richard Mendoza Mabugat,
Margarita M.Mabugat-Evans, Katrina
M.Mabugat-Blackwell, Enrico Mendoza-Mabugat, |
The future generation will always
ask about the past....definitely where and what and whom..
I was already in my 30's when I learned that my own Grandfather Leogalo was a
student of UP Agriculture Dept. I grew up with him and all I know was that
he spent all day in the farm. Took care of the animals,
coffee, coconuts, the rice fields, harvest and all that...I had fun being
raised in the farm environment, but what do I know then?
Up until his last surviving sister Ange, another Lola, told us stories
about my Grandpa and my Grandma Romana. That movie "Zorro"?
... My Grandma was to wed another man when she was kidnapped by Grandpa the
night before her wedding. on horseback! ...Truly, that lone ranger existed then!
I love that story, but my intention here
at least for now, is to connect the family even in pictures, the rest is up to you.
Enjoy- God bless each one, take care of
yourself and one another ...........
special poem selected for you!
A Thousand Apologies
by Laurie
Sorry that I love you, sorry that I care
Sorry that we've taken for granted the love that we share
Sorry for the heartache, sorry for the pain
Sorry for what you gave if I didn't give back the same
Sorry for the waiting, sorry to waste your time
Sorry if I'm not worth it, you don't have to be mine
Sorry for mistaking something that I thought was true
Sorry if you don't understand why I do what I do
Sorry for my feelings if they're not enough
Sorry if we can't work through all this stuff
Sorry if you can't fit me into your life
Sorry if all I do is cause us to fight
Sorry if I'm cramping your style or getting in your way
Sorry if I don't say the things you want me to say
Sorry if I don't measure up to what you want me to be
Sorry if I can't be enough to make you just want me
Sorry for apologizing but I don't know what to do
Sorry if my only dreams consist of me and you.