A New Epitaph for Pere Lachaise
 Sensitive, Mystical Poet Your legacy lives on; Stoned as petrified reptile In the amber resin of your ageless words,
Passionate images. ROCK IS NOT DEAD! Only sleeping in the spirit of your generation. How peculiar a twist of fate comes awakening. The virgin student fascinated by disc technology
Finds camaraderie among your lyrics. A lost soul reaches for a book of library poetry To discover forgotten passions in your verse. A collage of celluloid impressions moves a observer
To search beyond for remembered truths. Death has no hold on your ancient powers. Your time has come again Myth ignited into flame. Dormant seeds of great vision
Have begun to burst and grow. The secont doming of generation, Older, wiser, the struggle for justice lost in Decades of the struggle for paper.
The realization of selling out what was once held most dear. Footsteps caught in midair, a sobering look back toward A fork in the road of life. We should have listened to forewarning
The delicate thread of the search for truth Once again unites our legions. Years of obligations and promises behind, One by one "we get together one more time,"
Dare to light the candle of long ago dreams, Lift the staff of courage, sincerity, the thing that is right. Small contributions by sheer numbers, Our dream of America - Proud, Free, Green
Seems less impossible. I wish you were here to see it...
Jan Eloise Morris
Celebrating the arts
James Douglas Morrison 12-30-92
Marbled mysterious eyes thou possess A vision of curiosity
or experience- I could not quite decide Maybe it is both I look deep into thine eyes And meet with thine soul Oh, how could you take me this way? Places I have never been before
And images I have never seen An Erotic Politician The Lizard King Somehow I feel And understand thou being
He is the One 03-13-91
He stands there
Doing his thing It is a pleasure to see Forget I may never His contoured face of art I can feel it Tingle in my stomach The excitement I feel It is much too overwhelming
He is the One