Anya's Fun Stuff
I hope you know what you're getting yourself into - it took 18 years to make who I am today, so there's quite a lot to know...but I'll keep some of my secrets to myself, thankyouverymuch!
Number one most important thing to me:  I'm a Uke, and pretty damn proud of it.  Being Uky means so much...Plast camps, friends in far places, awesome Churches, incredible traditions, and such a feeling of pride...if you're Ukrainian, or have a heritage of your own, then you know what I mean.  And the place where I can celebrate my Ukedom the most is DIBROVA!
Directly stemming from this love of being Uky is my love for PLAST!  I have friends from all over the world cuz of this organization.  I wouldn't trade it for the world.
In the words of the great Eddie from Empire Records, "Music is the glue of the world.  It holds it all together.  Without this, life would be meaningless."  Check out my fave picsAnd Empire Records is worth checking out of a video rental place near YOU.
JIM MORRISON AND THE DOORS! An incredible group, with an incredible lead singer ... they were all pretty screwed up, but, ya know, as my Uky teacher says, if you're great in one area, you've got to be messed up in another.  These guys  deserve their own page, so check it out....
Yeah, and here's a pic of my bro.  Oh wait, I mean....  Yeah, whatever.  He's a pretty big nerd, but he throws good MSU parties... :-)  Naw, he's pretty cool, go check out his page.
Volleyball is my sport of choice.  Love it, but only  been playing it for about six years now.  Currently I play with the Pokeman group, which is preparin' to kick some ass at Brock this year!
I also LOVE my friends...they're all awesome.  Be they Ukes, school friends, email buddies, or all of the above, they make me learn about myself, even when I don't want to, and they are the ones who get me through even when I don't quite feelin' like getting through.  And most importantly, they make me LAUGH.  Laughter is a necessity in life, don't ever forget that.  Anyway, no pics of them yet, but hopefully soon....
I ADORE quotes.  If you ever find any good ones, PLEASE send them to me.  I've got about a billion up on my wall, but I could always used some more.  Am currently working on a page of quotes, but give me some time.  (I told you this site was construction under...I mean, uhhh...)
I'm also HUGE on jokes.  Especially those that don't make any sense.  It's good stuff.
Small sample:  What did the fish say when he walked into the wall?  

Oh, one more thing.  There's a boring survey I put on here that's all about - you guessed it! - ME.  So if you wanna check it out, suit yourself.  It's only to fill the silly requirements my computer teacher made for our assignment.  Are you readin this, Mr. Lim???
Last updated on 1/13/00 by Anya Maziak at