The Hard Times

... .Because times are hard. ...

Welcome to my world

So, you've found yourself on Hard Times? This is my little web magazine where I can vent and promote myself in one place. I am a freelance writer and an artist (jack of all trades). I felt compelled to express myself in cyber space. Ok, if anyone is interested, there's a new Obscure thought, so go crazy people! If you feel compelled, shoot me a note. Share your thoughts. Word Play has some of my poetry for your reading pleasure. There is also a link to some writing samples below as well as a link to pics of my glass work. Click on Links of Interest below for URL's to other sites of interest. By the way, keep passing the open windows.


Here are some of my writing samples that are online.
There is plenty more where that came from so contact me. I will be happy to show you my portfolio - Check it out!

Here's some of my art online- Check it out!

Obscure Thought of the Week

Word Play    new!

Links of Interest

My Resume

My Freelance Writing Business Website

Copyright Molly McHaney